Vicky and Cristina decided to spend the summer in Barcelona.
维琪正在读硕士 研究加泰罗尼亚语的起源
Vicky was completing her master’s in Catalan Identity…
这一志趣 源于她对高迪建筑艺术的热爱
…which she had become interested in through her great affection for the architecture of Gaud.
克莉丝汀娜 把过去的半年 都花在一部12分钟小♥电♥影♥上
Cristina, who spent the last six months writing, directing and acting in…
撰写 导演 出演 后来又不喜欢了
…a 12minute film which she then hated…
最近又跟男友分了手 想要换换心境
…had just broken up with yet another boyfriend, and longed for a change of scenery
当维琪住在巴塞罗那的一位远亲 邀请两位姑娘共度七八月份的时候
Everything fell into place when a distant relative of Vicky’s family who lived in Barcelona…
…offered to put both girls up for July and August.
从大学起 她们就是闺中密友 惺惺相惜
The two had been close since college and shared the same tastes and opinions on most matters.
然而关于爱情 二人却南辕北辙
Yet when it came to the subject of love, it would be hard to find two more dissimilar viewpoints.
维琪不愿受伤 不喜争吵
Vicky had no tolerance for pain and no lust for combat.
She was grounded and realistic
Her requirements in a man were seriousness and stability.
她与道格订婚 就是因为他彬彬有礼 事业有成
She had become engaged to Doug because he was decent and successful…
…and understood the beauty of commitment.
是啊 我也想你
Yeah, I miss you, too.
Cristina, on the other hand, expected something very different out of love.
她把痛苦视为情到深处之必然 因此勉强接受
She reluctantly accepted suffering as an inevitable component of deep passion…
…and was resigned to putting her feelings at risk.
若你问她为何对感情如此有把握 她自己也说不出个所以然
If you asked what she was gambling her emotions on to win, she would have been unable to say.
但她深知自己不想要什么 就是维琪所崇尚的一切
She knew what she didn’t want, however. And that was exactly what Vicky valued above all else.
你就是维琪 没错 我就是
You’re Vicky. Yes, Vicky.
You’re so grown up.
真是好久不见 见到你真太好了
It’s been a while. It’s great to see you.
欢迎来到巴塞罗那 克莉丝汀娜 我是茱蒂
Welcome to Barcelona. Cristina, I’m Judy.
This is your room.
I put you together.
茱蒂 非常感谢你让我借宿
Judy, thank you so much for having me here.
那么晚才告诉你 你完全不认识我却肯让我留下 你真是个大好人
It was so lastminute and you don’t know me at all. To include me is so sweet of you.
It’s so nice to have a little action around here.
阿瑟去上大学之后 这里太冷清
It’s been so quiet since Arthur went off to college.
姑娘们安置妥当 茱蒂的丈夫马克 从高尔夫球场回来后 大家在阳台上吃午餐
After the girls unpacked and Judy’s husband, Mark, got home from the golf course, lunch was served.
这房♥子真漂亮 我们越来越喜欢它了
We have a beautiful home. We’ve really come to love it.
他跟谁都玩得来 打成一片 就像这样 “耶 ”
He makes friends with anybody and speaks the language, so he was like, “Whee!”
You learned just fine.
你是做什么的 克莉丝汀娜
What do you do, Cristina?
I am currently at liberty.
谁说的 她拍过电影呢
Come on. She made a film.
好刺♥激♥ 只有12分钟而已
How exciting. It was 12 minutes.
What was it about?
内容么 是讲为何爱情如此难以定义
About? It was about why love is so hard to define.
要在12分钟里把握这么大的话题 可相当不容易
That’s a mighty big subject to handle in 12 minutes.
维琪 你的硕士是读
Vicky, you’re getting your master’s in….
Yeah, my master’s in Catalan Identity.
What do you plan on doing with that?
不清楚 教书 或者做做企划吧
I don’t know. Maybe teaching, maybe curating.
You don’t have to do something.
她秋天就要结婚了 小伙挺不错的 这些问题就全解决啦
She’s marrying this wonderful man in the fall and all her conflicts will be resolved…
…when he makes her pregnant.
Now that Judy’s decided your future….
敬你们在巴塞罗那的美好夏日 欢迎
To your summer in Barcelona. Welcome.
接下来的日子里 维琪和克莉丝汀娜 沉浸在这城市的艺术宝藏之中
In the days that followed, Vicky and Cristina drank in the artistic treasures of the city.
They particularly enjoyed the works of Gaud and Mir.
有一回 马克和茱蒂 邀请维琪和克莉丝汀娜一起乘船游玩
Once, Mark and Judy invited Vicky and Cristina to go sailing with them on Mark’s boat.
考虑到克莉丝汀娜也在 马克和茱蒂叫上了 一位生意伙伴的儿子
With Cristina in mind, Mark and Judy asked along the son of one of his business partners…
一个体面的小伙子 马克觉得克莉丝汀娜会喜欢的类型
…an eligible young man Mark thought she might like.
我的梦想是积攒足够的财富 然后去个小岛 天天玩潜水
My dream is to accumulate enough wealth, sail off to an island and spend my days snorkeling.
I’m actually a snorkeling nut.
Have you ever snorkeled before?
很不凑巧 查尔斯和克莉丝汀娜不是天造之合
Unfortunately, Charles and Cristina were not a match made in heaven.
与此同时 维琪研究了 加泰罗尼亚生活的方方面面
Vicky, meanwhile, researched every aspect of Catalan life…
甚至还参观了集市和当地餐馆 深入钻研加泰罗尼亚烹饪
…even getting a tour of the market and a local restaurant, to delve into Catalan cooking.
在夏季宜人的夜晚 姑娘们有时会去听西班牙吉他音乐
On balmy summer nights, the girls would sometimes go hear Spanish guitar music…
…which never failed to move Vicky in some magical way.
有一晚 马克和茱蒂带了她们 去参加朋友的画廊开幕式
One evening, Mark and Judy took them to the opening of a friend’s art gallery.
Many local artists and a number of collectors attended.
喜欢这么 喜欢 谢谢你带我们来
Do you like them? I do. Thank you for taking us.
We buy from this gallery.
Mark has commissioned this artist…
画了很多画 挂在他办公室墙上
…to do a series of pictures for his office walls.
s that the artist over there?
In the red?
不不 不是那位
No, no. That’s not….
阿尔弗雷德就是 嗯
Alfred is, um….
穿亚麻外套的那位先生 就是他
He’s the gentleman in the linen coat right there. That’s him.
I don’t know who that is.
马克 那边穿红衬衫的先生是谁
Mark? Who is the gentleman in the red shirt over there?
哪位 穿红衬衫的那位
Who? the gentleman in the red shirt
他是个画家 记得吗 迪耶哥跟我们说起过的
He’s a painter. Remember? Diego told us about him.
他曾跟个漂亮女人有过一段 那女人有点神经
He had that fiery relationship with that beautiful woman who was nuts.
两人打得不可开交 闹着要离婚
The violent fighting and the messy divorce.
It was in all the newspapers.
天啊 他叫琼·安东尼奥
Oh, my God. His name is Juan Antonio Gonzalo…
他闹离婚的时候 妻子想杀了他 不然就是他想杀了她
…and he had this hot divorce and she tried to kill him. Or he tried to kill her.
It was this really big thing in the art world.
I can’t remember the details.
我们从不接触放浪不羁的艺术家圈子 所以我也不清楚
We don’t move in those bohemian circles, so I don’t know.
维琪和克莉丝汀娜离开画廊后 决定去吃晚餐
Vicky and Cristina left the art gallery and decided to go for dinner.
她们走过教堂 夏夜微风吹拂 欢乐的人群
They strolled past the church in the wonderful summer night air, while people celebrated…
快到午夜的时候 终于找到一间小餐馆
…finally winding up around midnight at a little restaurant.
不用担心这些地方几点关门 这可真好
It’s nice to be able to not have to worry about if some place is going to stay open.
是啊 不过我们得考虑考虑睡眠
Yeah, but we probably should be worrying about our dreams
Who are you looking at?
Isn’t that the painter we just saw at the gallery?
哦 是哦 他就是
Oh, yeah. He’s the…
闹离婚的那个画家 马克说的 我没认真听
…painter with the bad divorce. Mark told us. I was half listening.
他一直朝这里看 八成是你挑起的吧
He keeps looking over here. Because you keep provoking contact.
I’m not provoking contact.
You’ve been throwing him little looks all night.
I’m just drinking my wine
是啊 当然 你肯定耍了点诡计 因为他这就要过来了
Yeah, of course you are. You must be doing something because he’s coming over.
我叫克莉丝汀娜 这位是我朋友维琪
I’m Cristina and this is my friend, Vicky
What color are your eyes?
They’re blue.
I would like to invite you both to come with me to Oviedo
To come where?
To Oviedo.
这周末 一小时内动身
For the weekend. We leave in one hour.
Where is Oviedo?
坐飞机很快就到 得坐飞机
A very short flight. By plane?
What’s in Oviedo
有座雕塑 是我灵感的源泉
A sculpture that is very inspiring to me
那雕塑很美 你们肯定喜欢
A very beautiful sculpture. You’ll love it.
You’re asking us to fly to Oviedo and back?
不 我们共度周末 我可以带你们到处转转
No, we’ll spend the weekend. I’ll show you around the city.
吃点好的 喝点好酒 再做做♥爱♥
We’ll eat well, we’ll drink good wine, we’ll make love.
你是说 谁要做♥爱♥
Who exactly is going to make love?
如果顺利的话 咱三个一起
Hopefully, the three of us.
额滴神啊 我来付账
Oh, my God. I’ll get your bill.
This guy doesn’t beat around the bush.
听着 先生 下辈子再说吧
Look, senior, maybe in a different life.
干嘛不呢 生活短暂啊
Why not? Life is short.
生活又枯燥 又充满痛苦 趁这机会尝点新鲜
Life is dull. Life is full of pain. This is a chance for something special.
得了 你到底是哪位
Right. Who exactly are you?
我叫琼·安东尼奥 你叫
I am Juan Antonio. And you are…
维琪 你叫克莉丝汀娜 对吧
…Vicky, and you are Cristina. Right?
Or is it the other way around?
倒过来也行 事实上这无关紧要
It could be the other way around…
