Travelers arriving from Springfield
can claim their baggage at Baggage Claim Carousel Four:
You are shitting me.
– 嘿 斯蒂芬 – 布莱森
-Hey, Stephen. -Bryson.
你好啊 ?
How are you?
好啊 史蒂夫
Hello, Steve-o.
This is my wife.
You’re the British nurse I’ve heard so much about.
– 但愿如此吧 -嗯
-I certainly hope so. -Yeah.
Good to meet you.
That’s a little bit like a bear hug.
你瘸了么 ?
Are you limping?
哦 是钛金膝盖
Oh, that’s a titanium knee,
and this one’s a trick knee, you know.
– 哦 – 我看看 我得来点…
– Oh. -Let me see, I’ve got to get…
我每个小时都得吃点东西 自打我得了 呃…
I gotta eat every hour or so, otherwise I get these, uh…
– 怎么 发作了? – 没有 没有 就是
-What, episodes? -No, no, they’re.__
– 中风 ? – 中风 就那个
– Seizures? -Seizures, that’s right.
– 你得了中风 ? – 嗯嗯
-You get seizures? -IVlmm-hmm.
嗯 我在10年前
Yeah. You know, I ate some
contaminated phenethylamines about 10 years ago,
and it totally jacked up my system, you Know.
– 你不是说自己身体状况很好么 ? – 是好啊
-I thought you said you were in shape? -I am.
So the two of them take off on a motorbike
而我们别无选择 只能
and we have no choice but
to hitchhike all the way back to San Sebastian.
结果我们刚走进第一家酒馆 崩 就看到了她们
We go into the first pub, and boom, there they are.
于是 六小时后我们跌跌拌拌地出了酒馆 去了海滩
So, six hours later we stumble out to the beach,
and Bryson insists on having the pretty girl,
– 嗯 就是那个红头发的 – 哦
-of course, the redhead. -Ooh.
And I get the horse-faced blonde, you know.
嘿 布莱森
Uh, Bryson!
简直难以置信…来 坐下
I can’t believe… Come on, sit.
I can’t believe you never told Cathy about Spain.
哦 肯定是我忽略了
Oh, it must have slipped my mind.
呣 我好想知道原因
Hmm, I wonder why?
反正 第二天我们就坐上了去马德里的火车
Anyway, the next day we’re on a train to Madrid.
Bryson goes to the head and I don’t pay any attention to it,
and he’s in there a long time.
最后 我不耐烦了 他才出来回到了座位上
Finally, I look up, and he’s coming out toward the seat
and he’s just scratching and scratching…
– 懂了 懂了
-Got it. Got it.
我问他 “嘿布莱森 你到底咋了 ?”
I said to him, “Hey, Bryson, what’s going on?”
然后他说 “下次让那红头发陪你好了”
And he says, “Next time you can have the red-head.”
– 里面有那红头发的照片吗 ? – 应该有吧
-Is there a picture of the red-head? – I think so.
我想看看那个红头发 我真想看看那个红头发
I’d like to see the redhead. I’d love to see the red-head.
– 真是个好棒的故事 – 她不在这里面
-That’s a really great story. – She’s not in here.
– 感谢你在我家人面前分享了它 – 她在哪 ?
-Thank you for sharing that with my family. – Where is she?
那是 要讲的故事还多着呢 布莱森
Well, I have more of them, Bryson.
算了算了 那就够了
No, no, that’s great.
– 别啊 我还想再多听点呢 – 好吧
-No, no, I think we should have a few more. -All right.
我们在尼斯时 布莱森经常去
We were in Nice, and Bryson goes to this
那里最著名的旅馆 叫”五月花”…
very famous hotel there called The Mayflower…
呣 恰比斯的
Mmm, the Cubbies.
哦 腐烂尸体
Oh, decomposed.
哦 天啊
Oh, my God.
你现今还在吹 ?
You still playing that thing?
嗯 吹的不算好 不过还在坚持
Oh, yeah. Not good, but I’m playing.
你呢 还在打鼓么 ?
How about you, still playing the drums?
哦当然不了 我几年前就放弃了
Oh, God, no. I gave that up years ago.

那是你闺女 ?
Is that your daughter?
– 嗯 – 像她妈妈 你真幸运
-Yeah. -Takes after her mother. Lucky break there.
你有几个外孙了 ?
-How many grandchildren in all?
三个 第四个马上就要出生了
-Three, and another one on the way.
你可真是个人生赢家 布莱森
You really pulled it off, Bryson.
知道么 ?
You know?
我真心的 真为你高兴
No, I mean that. I’m happy for you.
呃 你怎么样 史蒂芬 ? 你… 你过得还好吧 ?
Well, how about you, Stephen? You… You been okay?
我 ? 哦 凑合
Me? Oh, hell, yeah.
我花了半辈子酗酒 泡妞
I spent half my life getting drunk, chasing pussy.
The other half I wasted.
– 你看这些玩意了么 ? – 嗯
-Have you seen these things? -Yeah.
嘿 知道么
Hey, you know,
everyone thinks we’re going to go onto that trail
and quit after a week, like most people do.
我们可不是那大多数人 布莱森
We’re not most people, Bryson.
没错 我们不是
No. No, we’re not.
– 那么 晚安 – 晚安
-So, good night. -Good night.
All right then.
– 谢了 布莱森夫人 再见 – 回头见 好运
-Thank you, Mrs. Bryson. Bye. -You’re welcome. Good luck.
I’ll meet you inside. Right?
– 我会想念你的 – 希望如此
-I will miss you, you know. -I hope so.
I just want to go on the record one last time
and say, I do love you.
尽量别死了 好么 ?
Try not to die, okay?
I’ll do my best.
去吧 滚蛋吧
Go on. Bugger off.
我还记得接到的那个小子 他是从小道上退下来的
I remember this one guy that I picked up. He came off the Trail.
不像你们俩这样 他年轻多了
He’s not like you guys, a lot younger.
He got back there and just started crying.
真的 一直哭着回到亚特兰大
I’m serious. Cried all the way back to Atlanta.
Sat back there whimpering like a child.
When you drop people off,
是不是都能感觉出他们是否会成功 ?
can you tell whether they’re going to make it or not?
哦 是的先生 每次都能 八♥九♥不离十
Oh. Yes, sir, yes, sir. Every time, pretty near.
那我们呢 ?
How about us?
哦 我们到了
Oh, well, here we are.
Thank you.
– 给你 – 好的
-Here you go. -Okay.
– 早餐七点开始 -七点
-Breakfast at seven. -Seven.
– 嗯 好 – 好
-Yeah. Okay. -Okay.
I hope you don’t mind my saying,
but these are about the best damn pancakes I ever had.
是么 ? 我喜欢爱吃烤薄饼的男人
Is that right? Well, I like a man who appreciates his pancakes.
嗯 我爱死这个了 甜心
-Well, I sure do appreciate these, honey.
– 您想来点咖啡吗 ? – 嗯
-Would you like some coffee? -Yeah.
And I’ll get you a menu.
不 不用了 我已经吃过了 谢谢
No, no, I’ve already eaten. Thanks.
长得不错对吧 ?
Not bad looking, huh?
That depends.
你知道这些天我找女人的标准是什么吗 ?
You know what I look for in a female these days?
A heartbeat and a full set of limbs.
Well, most people lower their standards as they age.
– 真的 ? – 而你却算是提高了
-Yeah? -You’ve actually raised yours.
布莱森 我刚刚还在想
You know, Bryson, I’ve been thinking.
Let’s stay here another night.
– 你开玩笑吧 ? – 没有 没有 外面太冷了
-You kidding? -No. No. It is cold outside.
It’s warm in here.
– 我要走了 – 等一会儿
-I am going. -Wait a minute.
我们就走 就走
We go. We go.
嘿 先等等 不介意的话我想先说几句
Hey, hang on. I’d like to say a few words if you don’t mind.
Au right.
-I don’t want to reach for metaphors,
– 不过… – 不 用吧 布莱森 用吧
but… -No, reach, Bryson, reach.
Well, they say the Appalachian Trail is like life.
You don’t know what’s ahead,
you don’t know what’s going to happen next,
