一切都会没事的 好吧?
Everything’s gonna be all right, okay?
I was just trying to cover myself. That’s all.
I didn’t know who I could trust.
我现在要害死我们俩了 – 不
Now I’m gonna get us both killed. – No.
This may be the only thing that keeps us alive.
我甚至不晓得里面的内容是什么 – 我们必须查出来
I don’t even know what’s on that. – We have to find out.
我试过了 连骇客都无法读取
I’ve tried. It’s completely hacker-proof.
There’s no way to run it outside Cyrez.
Then we run it from the inside.
约翰 那里就像个堡垒 我们不能回去那里 他们会在那等着
John, that place is like a fortress. We can’t go back there. They’d expect that.
我不想让他们失望 – 约翰
I’d hate to disappoint them. – John.
街道净空 警♥察♥全都回到 甜甜圈店里休息了
The streets are clear. The police returned to the safety of their doughnut shops.
这位是若瑞贾斯神父 – 嗨
Lee, this is Father Rodriguez. – Hi.
Of course, I was not always Father Rodriguez.
我等于是重获新生 全靠这位朋友相助
Could say I was born again, with a little help from our friend.
他的哥伦比亚同伙原本打算 亲自把他送上天堂
Some of his Colombian associates wanted to introduce him to God personally.
I’ve been given a second chance at life.
This time, I’m using it to do God’s work.
Is there anything else I can do?
我们需要一辆车 只要一 两天
We need a car, just for a day or two.
没问题 虽然是部老车 但它是你们的了
Done. It burns as much oil as it does gas, but it’s yours.
Are you sure about this?
There’s no one else I can trust.
哈啰 强尼
Hello, Johnny.
是你 – 我需要立刻和你谈话
You! – I need to talk to you right away.
I got one question for you.
Was it your idea to hook me up with the Village People here?
至少你现在安全了 不是吗?
Well, you’re safe, aren’t you?
黑道不会来这里 没错
Well, from the Mob, yeah.
就算是一个黑道卒仔 打死也不可能来这种地方混
I mean, no self-respecting wiseguy would be caught dead in a joint like this.
喔 拜托你帮个忙…
Oh, look, do me just one favor.
别让他们以为我是异性恋 好吗?
Don’t… Don’t let on that I’m straight, okay?
I don’t wanna break any hearts or nothing.
没问题… 你记得你之前说过 我若需要什么可以来找你?
Trust me. Remember when you told me if I ever need anything, I could come to you?
是的 – 我现在需要你帮忙
Yes. – Well, I need your help.
等一下… 你需要我帮忙?
Well, wait a minute. You need my help?
Right now.
没问题… 凯文?
You got it. Kevin?
帮我接一下工作 我要帮个朋友忙
Cover me for a few seconds. I’m gonna help a friend.
Who’s he? He looks rough.
Please don’t start.
Maybe you two need a moment alone?
不用了 谢谢
We’re fine, thank you.
Just an idea.
Kevin just worries about me.
Don’t ask.
You want me to help you break into Cyrez?
是的 – 什么 你没开玩笑吧?
Yeah. – What, are you shitting me?
I thought you wanted help to move a sofa or something.
Pull over up ahead.
好吧 我来帮你们…
Look, I’m gonna help you out.
我们需要几辆坦克车 几枚火箭弹…
All we’re gonna need is some tanks, a couple of rocket launchers…
…and a set of balls like the king of Bayonne.
All you need are these.
I’ll meet you back at his place.
怎么 我看起来像有胃胀气?
What, I look like I got gas or something?
各位 – 究竟是怎么回事?
Gentlemen. – You wanna tell me what’s going on?
我们会在二十四小时之内稳定局势 – 那样还不够理想
I’ll have the situation contained in 24 hours. – Not good enough.
我们之前遇到一些问题 现在都解决了
We have problems. They’re solvable.
首先我们必须取消那些货 – 不可能
We have to cancel the shipment. – That’s not an option.
我们该如何处置十吨♥ 原本不应存在的毁灭性武器?
What do we do with 10 tons of assault weaponry that’s not supposed to exist, huh?
我当你们面前打头阵… 先生
I am the eyes and ears of your world, gentlemen…
我告诉你 现在风头太紧了 – 你就是不明白 是吧?
…and there’s too much heat. – You don’t get it, do you?
The money has changed hands.
These are not the kind of people you cancel on!
把那些枪在今晚弄出国 否则你就没命了
Get those guns out of the country tonight or you’re a dead man.
…how do you intend to contain the situation?
库格一定会跑去赛瑞斯企业 一旦他出现 我会在那里等着
Kruger has to show up at Cyrez. When he does, I’ll be waiting.
Well, why would he risk that?
他需要知道那光碟上的内容 那是唯一能还他们清白的证据
He needs to know what’s on that disk. That’s the only thing that’ll clear them.
好吧 这招最好管用
Fine. This better work.
那片光碟 那个女孩 还有那些枪…
The disk, the girl, the guns.
明天黎明之前全都要消失 明白了吗?
By dawn, they don’t exist. Are we clear?
是的 清楚明白
Yeah, crystal.
美国众议院军♥事♥委♥员♥会♥宣布 再过两个星期…
The House Armed Services Committee announced that two weeks from today…
他们将举♥行♥赛瑞斯企业丑闻案的 正式听证会
…it will begin official hearings into the Cyrez scandal.
消息指出该会… – 真是的…
Sources tell us the committee… – Perfect.
这里到处都是记者 我们必须封♥锁♥消♥息♥
The place is crawling with reporters. We’ve gotta keep a lid on this mess.
Do what I tell you,
明天 你就可以到你的俱乐部笑谈这件事
and by tomorrow you’ll be chuckling about this in your country club.
这里由谁掌控?- 我
Now, who’s running this game room? – I am.
这位是詹姆士海格提 警卫总长 – 很好
This is James Haggerty, head of security. – Good.
We’re gonna keep everything nice and low-profile.
你有没有杀过人?- 只有在三大洲
You ever do any wet work? – Only on three different continents.
你想在我面前吹嘘的话 就把这件事搞好
Yeah. Well, you wanna impress me, Slick, do your fucking job.
How many people can you bring in?
十二名专业人手 他们将不择手段达成目标
Twelve experienced professionals. They’ll do whatever it takes.
另外还有二十名警卫 他们也会遵从指令
Plus 20 more on the security force. They’ll follow orders.
Well, that’s fine.
我的人在主要入口 要确定他能得到你们百分之百协助
My man is at the main entrance. Make sure he receives your full cooperation.
他已就定位 每个可能入口处都有人监守…
He’s dialed in. We’ve got every possible point of entry under surveillance…
从屋顶到下水道皆严密把关 – 这烂人像鬼魂一样…
…from the rooftop to the sewer system. – Well, this fucker’s a ghost.
只要他想进来 他一定能进来 他有可能到哪里看那张光碟?
Believe me. If he wants in, he’ll get in. Where’s he gotta go to run this disk?
中♥央♥密室 只有在那里才能操作那程式
The central vault. No other terminal can access that program.
如果他想读取光碟内容 这是他唯一的入口
If he wants to read the disk, there’s only one way in.
很不错嘛 各位
That’s outstanding, gentlemen.
我们现在就坐在这里 等候库格先生自投罗网
I guess all we gotta do is sit back and wait for Mr. Kruger to come to us.
Whoa, whoa, whoa. Where do you think you’re going?
别紧张 我要送披萨给十四楼的布莱芬
Take it easy there. I got a delivery for Blevens, 14th floor.
We can’t accept any unauthorized deliveries.
“We can’t accept any deliveries. ”
I’m just messing with you, man. Why not…
你何不打个电♥话♥给布莱芬叫他允许 这可是腊肠加起司的
…call Blevens, get him to authorize it? I got a pepperoni and cheese here.
或许你不了解… – 那是谁?
Maybe you don’t understand. – Who’s that?
This is a high-security facility.
或许你不明白 朋友 这可是吉纳洛的披萨 好吗?
Maybe you don’t understand, my friend. This is a Papa Genoche’s pizza, okay?
如果布莱芬不趁热来拿 他就可以免费再要两个 要我出耶
If Blevens doesn’t get it while it’s hot, he gets two for free, out of my pocket.
我试图要省… – 搜他的身
I’m trying to save. – Search him.
Get your hands off me!
嘿 听着 我的心脏不好 还有 我的律师很厉害的 知道吗?
Hey, listen, I got a bad heart and a very good lawyer, all right?
Shut up.
He’s clean.
Cheese and pepperoni.
好吧 老兄 你走吧
All right, pal, hit the road.
I said, hit the road.
What’s the hell’s going on down there?
Some pizza-delivery guy is having a seizure.
Which moron ordered a pizza?
真是的… 立刻把他送进医务室 打电♥话♥叫救护车
This is all we need. Get him to the infirmary immediately and call an ambulance.
请让一让 借过
Out of the way. Coming through
喂?- 情况如何?
Yeah? – How we doing?
We’ll be on the road in an hour.
动作快 否则你就吃不完兜着走
They need to be rolling or I need to know why.
是的 长官
Yes, sir.
好了 各位 大家动作快
All right, come on, guys. Let’s move it!
They’ve been expecting you.
Infirmary is straight through the loading dock.
病人还稳定吗?- 不晓得 最好动作快点
Is the patient stable? – I’m not sure. Better hurry.
