如果我找到我要的 证据之后就去
When I have the proof I need.
-这比你的直觉来的要慢很多 -你什么时候能找到证据
It takes longer to acquire than intuitive insights. When will you have it
几分钟之后吧 亲爱的
In a few minutes I hope dear.
别卖♥♥关子了 说
You old slyboots. Tell.

我们知道如果 卢斯科是凶手的话
we know that if Rusk is the murderer
他就和他的被害人 一起乘过运土豆的车
he traveled up in a potato truck with his victim.
How do we know that
你听过一具尸体可以 自己打开绑好的口袋的吗
Did you ever hear of a corpse that cut itself out of a tied sack
他把尸体从口袋 里取出是为了什么
What would he want to take the corpse out of the sack for
很显然 他是在找什么东西
Obviously he was looking for something.
How do we know that
The corpse was deep in rigor mortis.
他不得不折断她右手的 手指以取回他想要的东西
He had to break the fingers of the right hand to retrieve what they held.
It would be so nice to get back to plain bread in this house.
What do you think they held
盒子 叉子 对 是十字架
A locket A broach A cross!
应该是可以从 中认出他的东西
It had to be something that would incriminate him.
Something that he missed when he put the body on the truck.
也许是一条有 他的名字的手绢吧
A monogrammed handkerchief perhaps.
Not a cross I think.

我倒看不出来 有什么不可能
I don’t see why not.
宗教和性躁狂症 是有很大的联♥系♥的
Religious and sexual mania are closely linked.
但是 不管怎么说 他找到了
Anyway whatever it was he found it
这对我们来说 都不是什么好事
which was unlucky for us.
But we did have one piece of good fortune.
卡车司机说他途 中只停过一个地方
The truck driver told us that he stopped at one place on his journey
and that was at a pull-in somewhere out of London.
餐厅 -嗯
A pull-in Hmm.
就是卡车司机常去 的咖啡馆 亲爱的
It’s a… cafe frequented by truck drivers dear.
那里卖♥♥一些便宜的 三明治和熏火腿
They serve humble foods like bacon and egg sandwiches
香肠啊 马铃薯泥和茶或者咖啡
sausages and mashed potatoes and cups of tea and coffee.
为什么那个 司机要停在那里
How is it so fortunate that this driver stopped there
It’s not so much that he stopped
but that he stopped only once that is important.
凶手唯一能从卡车上 下来的机会就是在那个餐厅
The only place our man could’ve escaped from that truck was at that cafe.
我已经让斯皮曼去那里调查 看有没有人在那里见过他了
I sent Sgt. Spearman to see if he could find anyone who could remember Rusk being there.
I’m expecting him back at any minute.
那快点吃吧 亲爱的 你最好在他到来之前吃完吧
Well eat up dear. You’ll want to be finished by the time he arrives.
Tasty very tasty.
如果没有那么 多肉的话就更好了
Not a lot of meat on it mind.
别吃这么快 亲爱的
No sense in gorging dear.
我把我那份也拿来吃 我还煎着一份鸡蛋呢
I’ll take mine and eat it while I’m beating my egg whites for the souffle.
晚上好 探长 -晚上好 先生
Good evening Sergeant. Good evening sir.
我想我没有打扰你吃饭吧 -没事 不要紧的
I hope I’m not interrupting your dinner. No not at all. Come in.
谢谢 先生 把你的 帽子和外套放在沙发上吧
Thank you sir. Put your hat and coat on the sofa.
晚上好 斯皮曼探长 你想喝些什么
Good evening Sgt. Spearman. What would you like to drink
晚上好 夫人 我不知道
Good evening madam. I don’t know that l…
没事 你现在下班了
Oh that’s all right. You’re off duty.
喝一杯马格利好吗 很好喝的
How about a Margarita It’s delicious.
有龙舌兰酒 干邑
Tequila triple sec
鲜柠檬汁和盐 一起泡的一杯酒
fresh lemon juice and… salt pressed ’round the rim of the glass.
我想你会喜欢的 -谢谢你 夫人
You’ll love it. Thank you madam.
斯皮曼探长 你这 一次一定有什么新发现吧
Sgt. Spearman you are positively glutinous with self-approbation.
来 说说看-好的
You might as well speak out. Yes sir.
The woman behind the counter at the cafe…
很清楚地指证了 我给她看的照片
positively identified Rusk from the photo I showed her…
上的人就是那天 晚上来过餐厅的一位顾客
as being a man who called at the cafe the night the body was discovered.
And that’s not all.
那你干吗不说 还等我请你说吗 -不 先生 对不起
What are you waiting for A roll of drums No sir. Sorry sir.
她还说那天晚上卢斯 科衣衫不整 浑身是灰
The woman also said that Rusk was disheveled and very dusty…
而且向他们 借了衣刷来去尘
and asked to borrow a clothes brush.
这就是当时他 借的衣刷 先生
This is the brush she lent him sir.
You see there
你说这是什么 土豆粉
What do you say Spearman Potato dust
给你 探长
Here you are Sergeant.
好的 夫人 -你都听见了吗
Cheers madam. Did you hear all that
对 我告诉你 我前前后后都清楚 -好啦
Yes I told you. I knew all the time. Quite.
你尽快把这个拿到 实验室化验吧-好的 先生
Get this down to the lab as soon as possible will you Very good sir.
It rather looks like we put the wrong man away this time.
What do you mean “we” You… put him away.
好的 斯皮曼 你可以走了 -晚安 先生
All right Spearman you can get along now. Good night madam.
你还没有喝完呢-对不起 我要尽快去实验室了
You haven’t finished your drink. I’m sorry. I have to get down to the lab in a hurry.
晚安 斯皮曼 -干得好
Good night Spearman. Good work.
干得真不错 -谢谢 先生
Very good work. Thank you sir.
可怜的布莱尼 你一定要把他放出来 金 马上
Poor Mr. Blaney. You’ve got to get him out Tim immediately.
He’s in hospital at the moment.
我会在明早和助手谈谈 然后重新开庭审理此案
I’ll talk to the assistant commissioner in the morning and get the case reopened.
也许他会不满意 但现在证据是足够赦免他了
He won’t like it but there’s quite enough evidence for a pardon.
Will they give him any compensation
I expect they’ll give him some money
但象这样的案子 补偿又有什么用呢
but there’s no real way to compensate in cases like these.
Poor man.
我想你最好把他叫到家里 我做好菜给他吃
I think the least you can do is ask him ’round for a really good dinner.
Let’s see.
It will obviously have to be something substantial.
I think a Caneton aux cerises.
那是什么 -小鸭子
What’s that Duckling…
with heavy sweet cherry sauce.
他吃了那么多监狱里的饭菜 我想让他吃好一些
After that jail food he’s been having I expect he’ll eat anything.
EXcuse me.
我要看看我做的 蒸蛋好了没有
I must see if my souffle’s started to rise.

Are the pills working
-他睡得象一条狗 -你觉得我们下的药量够了吗
-He’s sleeping like a baby. -Do you think we gave him enough
天 我放了半打进去
Christ mate he’s had half a dozen.
好的 我要去找 那个他妈的卢斯科了
Good. Now I’m off to get that bastard Rusk!
好的 让我看看吧
All right all right. Let’s make sure.
时不再来 我明早就回来
It’s now or never! I’m due back inside tomorrow.
乔治 乔治
George George!
All right George.
孩子 你走吧 记住 把他干掉以绝后患
Right son better be going. Mind you do him up good.
Here take this strip of mica.
你开他的门的时候 可能需要 他可能会上锁的
You may need it to open his door. It might be locked.
医生 护士
Doctor Sister
拿推车来 护士
Get a trolley nurse.
护士 好像没有脑中风的迹象
Sister there seems to be no evidence of a cerebral accident.
我们要把他留下来观察 找出病因
We’ll have to admit him for observation and then sort it out.
他有没有可能是 癫痫病或者糖尿病的患者
Could he be an epileptic or a diabetic
他这种职业 不可能会有这种病
Not very likely in his sort ofjob.
我们要取他的 血液来化验
We’re certainly going to need blood samples.
催眠药 他们给 他吃了太多的催眠药
Sleeping pills! They’ve given him all their sleeping pills.
晚安-晚安 先生
Good night. Good night sir.

天哪 这是什么时候发生的
Good God! When was this
好的 那是什么
Right. What’s that
对 5分钟 我在外面等
Yes. Five minutes. I’ll wait outside.
我走了 布莱尼跑了 我知道他会去哪里
I’m off! Blaney’s escaped and I bet I know where he’s gone.
我还是怀疑布莱尼是 自己故意摔下楼梯的
I often wondered whether Blaney threw himself down those stairs…
in a suicide attempt or just as a means to get into the hospital.
当然 我们现在找到了答案
Now of course we have our answer.

No. No!
It’s not…
Mr. Rusk.
You’re not wearing your tie.

