What matters is that we’re here for Andy when he needs us.
那才是我们做玩具的目的 对吧
That’s what we’re made for, right?
对不起 我很不想打断会议 但是… 他们来了
Pardon me. I hate to break up the staff meeting, but… they’re here!
Birthday guests at three o’clock!
-Stay calm, everyone!

-Uh, meeting adjourned.
老天 你们看到那些礼物没有
Ho, boy! Will you take a look at all those presents?
I can’t see a thing.
我们绝对会是 下个月车♥库♥拍卖♥♥的货品了
Yes, sir, we’re next month’s garage sale fodder for sure.
-Any dinosaur-shaped ones?
-拜托 礼物都在盒子里 白♥痴♥
-Oh, for crying out loud. They’re all in boxes, you idiot.
They’re getting bigger.
-等一等 那里有个小件的
-Wait, there’s a nice little one over there. -Hi!
-写着:垃圾罐 -我们完了
-Spell: trash can. -We’re doomed!
好 好
All right! All right!
如果我派部队出去的话 你们能安静下来吗
If I send out the troops, will you all calm down?
-能 能 我们能 -好 省省电池
-Yes! Yes! We promise! -Okay! Save your batteries.
帅 胡迪 这一招真有效
Very good, Woody. That’s using the old noodle.
队长 请立刻派侦察队到楼下去 紧急状况
Sergeant, establish a recon post downstairs. Code Red!
-该怎么做你知道的 -是 长官
-You know what to do. -Yes, sir!
好了 各位 你们都听到了 紧急状况
All right, men. You heard him. Code Red!
重覆 紧急状况 侦察计划开始执行
Repeat, we are at Code Red. Recon plan Charlie. Execute!

Let’s move! Move, move, move, move!
-好了 小朋友们
-Okay, come on, kids.
所有的人都到客厅来 要拆礼物了
Everyone in the living room. It’s almost time for the presents.
让开 让开
All right, gangway, gangway.
有个这个 我们就可以知道
And this is how we find out…
what is in those presents.
好了 谁的肚子饿了
Okay, who’s hungry?
Here come the chips!
I’ve got Cool Ranch and barbecue! Ow!
What in the world… Oh!
-I thought I told him to pick these up.
他们不是该到了吗 怎么那么久
Shouldn’t they be there by now? What’s taking them so long?
他们可是训练有素 是最棒的
Hey, these guys are professionals. They’re the best.
别急嘛 马上就会有消息了
Come on! They’re not lying down on the job.
走吧 别管我了 快走吧
G-G-Go on without me! J-Just go!
一个好军人 绝对不会丢下战友的
A good soldier never leaves a man behind.
-好了 小朋友来…
-Okay, everybody, come on.
Everybody settle down. Now, kids. Everybody.
好 小朋友 快过来 围成圈圈坐下来
You sit in a circle. No, Andy. Andy, you sit in the middle there.
-很好 好 你第一个想拆哪一个礼物呢
-Good. And.. Which present are you gonna open first?
-我的 -他们在那儿
-Mine! -There they are.
鸟妈妈请回答 这里是勇敢一号♥
Come in, Mother Bird. This is Alpha Bravo.
-鸟妈妈请回答 -有了 有了 安静…
-This is it! This is it! Quiet, quiet, quiet! -Come in, Mother Bird.
好了 安弟现在在拆第一个礼物了
Andy’s opening the first present now.
蛋头太太 蛋头太太…
Mrs. Potato Head! Mrs. Potato Head! Mrs. Potato Head!
Hey, I can dream, can’t I?
蝴蝶结开了 他正在拆包装纸
The bow’s coming off. He’s ripping the wrapping paper.
那是…那… 那是一个便当盒
It’s a.. It’s.. It’s a.. a lunch box.
-那是一个便当盒 -便当盒?
-We’ve got a lunch box here. -A lunch box?
-便当盒? -用来吃午饭的
-Lunch box? -For lunch.
好了 第二个礼物 那看起来是…
Okay, second present. It appears to be…
-一件床单 -那孩子谁请的呀
-Okay, it’s bed sheets. -Who invited that kid?
Oh! Only one left.
-好 接着是最后一个礼物了 最后一个了
-Okay, we’re on the last present now. -Last present!
这个礼物很大 那是…
It’s a big one. It’s a…
-那是棋盘游戏 重覆 是海战棋
-It’s a board game! Repeat, Battleship! -Whew!
-好耶 -小心一点
-Yeah! All right! -Hey, watch it!
对不起 蛋头老兄
Sorry there, old spud head.
任务完成了 干得好 收工了 我们回家去
Mission accomplished. Well done, men. Pack it up. We’re goin’ home.
我怎么说的 没错吧
So did I tell ya? Huh? Nothin’ to worry about.
我早就知道你是对 胡迪 我从来没有怀疑过你
I knew you were right all along, Woody. Never doubted ya for a second.
Wait a minute. Oh!
-这个是什么啊 -等一下 再把对讲打开
-What do we have here? -Wait! Turn that thing back on!
鸟妈妈请回答 鸟妈妈请回答
Come in, Mother Bird! Come in, Mother Bird!
Mom has pulled a surprise present from the closet.
安弟正在拆 他看到这个礼物很兴奋
Andy’s opening it. He’s really excited about this one.
-妈咪 这是什么 -是个很大的盒子
-Mom, what is it? -It’s a huge package.
等一下 有一个孩子挡住我的视线 我看不见
Oh, get outta the… One of the kids is in the way. I can’t see.
-那…那是… -哇
-It’s a… -Wow!
-那是什么啊? 是什么啊?
-It’s a what? What is it?
-不 -大笨蜥蜴
-Oh, no! -Oh, ya big lizard!
-我们永远不知道那是什么了 -看你干得好事
-Now we’ll never know what it is! -Way to go, Rex!
-不对 不对 转过去 转过去
-No, no! Turn him around! Turn him around!
-不对 不对 放反了
-He’s puttin’ ’em in backwa-
Here, you’re puttin’ ’em in backwards!
正是阳极 负是阴极 我来吧
Plus is positive, minus is negative! Oh, let me!
-Let’s go to my room, guys!
紧急状况 紧急状况 安弟要上楼了
Red alert! Red alert! Andy is coming upstairs!
-那边 -儿童入侵
-There! -Juvenile intrusion!
重覆 立刻回到自己岗位上
Repeat, resume your positions now!
安弟来了 快回到自己的位置上
Andy’s coming! Everybody, back to your places! Hurry!
Get to your places! Get to your places!
-我的耳朵 我的耳朵呢 有谁看到我的耳朵
-Where’s my ear? Who’s seen my ear? Did you see my ear?
让开 让开 我来了 我来了
Out of my way! Here I come! Here I come!
看他的雷射亮了 帮我拿一下
Hey, look, its lasers light up. Take that, Zurg!
就摆这里 这里是太空船降落的地方
Quick, make a space. This is where the spaceship lands.
And he does it like that. And he does a karate chop action!
小朋友下来吧 玩游戏罗 我们有奖品哦
Come on down, guys! It’s time for games!
-什么东西 -你看得到吗
-What is it? -Can you see it?
-在那上面的东西是什么 -胡迪 谁跟你在上面啊
-What the heck is up there? -Woody, who’s up there with ya?
-你在床底下干什么啊 -没什么 没什么
-What are you doing under the bed? -Uh, nothin’. Uh, nothin’.
I’m sure Andy was just a little excited, that’s all.
大概是吃太多冰淇淋跟蛋糕了 那只是个意外
Too much cake and ice cream, I suppose. It’s just a mistake!
那个意外 正坐在你的地盘上 胡迪
Well, that mistake is sitting in your spot, Woody.
你被人取代了 -我刚刚怎么告诉你的
Have you been replaced? -What did I tell you earlier?
No one is getting replaced
好了 不管那上面是什么 我们都要给他来一个…
Now, let’s all be polite and give whatever it is up there…
礼貌的温和的 安弟房♥间式的欢迎
a nice, big Andy’s-room welcome.
巴斯光年呼叫星际总部 听到请回答
-Buzz Lightyear to Star Command.
星级总部 请回答
Come in, Star Command.
星际总部 听到没有 请回答
-Star Command, come in. Do you read me?
他们为什么不回答 我的船
Why don’t they answer? My ship!
天哪 要好久才能修好
Blast! This’ll take weeks to repair.
巴斯光年任务日志 星际日期四○七二年
Buzz Lightyear mission log, stardate 4-0-7-2.
我的太空船 在第十二区脱离轨道
My ship has run off course en route to sector 12.
I’ve crash-landed on a strange planet.
The impact must’ve awoken me from hypersleep.
Terrain seems a bit unstable.
目前还没有 能不能呼吸空气的读数
No readout yet if the air is breathable.
而且也看不出来 有智慧型生命的迹象
And there seems to be no sign of intelligent life anywhere.
Whoa! H-Hey! Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa!
-我吓到你了吗 我不是故意的
-Did I frighten you? Didn’t mean to.
-抱歉 你好 我叫胡迪
-Sorry. Howdy. My name is Woody.
而这里呢 是安弟的房♥间
And this is Andy’s room.
对不起 打搅你了 请恕我直言
That’s all I wanted to say.
And also, there has been a bit of a mix-up.
这里是我的地盘 而这张床…
This is my spot, see, the bed here.
此地的执法人员 你早该来了
Local law enforcement. It’s about time you got here.
我是巴斯光年 保护宇宙小组的太空骑警
I’m Buzz Lightyear, Space Ranger, Universe Protection Unit.
My ship has crash-landed here by mistake.
是呀 这是一个意外 因为这张床是我的地盘
Yes, it is a mistake because, you see, the bed here is my spot.
I need to repair my turbo boosters.
你们现在是用化石燃料 还是结晶体熔解物
Do you people still use fossil fuel, or have you discovered crystallic fusion?

一个人,一本书,一部电影,还是一段音乐 ♪ ♩ ♫ ♬ 在世界的某个角落, 总有什么能触动你的心灵; 在世界的某个角落, 总有和你一样的人。
