-瞧 瞧这装饰 -什么
-Look. Look at this trim. -What?
-噢 -很漂亮不是吗 珍珠的
-Oh! -Isn’t this beautiful? Pearls.
-噢 -噢 天啊
-Oh! -Oh, gee.
-噢 哇噢 我喜欢他们做的这些 妈 -安妮
-Oh, wow. I love how they did this, Mom. -Annie.
-什么 -你喜欢这个地方的摆设
-Yeah? -Do you like this place setting?
-噢 太漂亮了 -那个瓷器颜色还是
-Oh, it’s beautiful. -That china also comes…
in a wonderful Sara Lee yellow.
-嗨 想必您就是弗兰克吧 -我也希望是
-Hi. You must be Franck? -I wish.
我是弗兰克的助理 霍华德·韦因斯坦
I’m Franck’s assistant, Howard Weinstein.
-我是尼娜·班克斯 这是安娜 -你好
-Well, I’m Nina Banks and this is Annie. -Hello.
-嗨 嗨 -噢 -新娘 还有 呃
-Hi. Hi. -Oh. -The bride, and, uh…
-乔治 我丈夫 -你好
-George, my husband. -How do you do?
May I offer anyone any refreshments:
圣培露汽水 意大利浓缩咖啡 香槟
Pellegrino, espresso, champagne?
-噢 不用 不用 -不用了
-Oh. Um, no. No. -No.
我会告诉老板你们已经来了 四处看看吧 玩得愉快
I’ll alert the boss that you’re here. Look around. Have fun.
噢 噢 这太好了
Oh. Oh. This is so great.
-安妮 -什么
-Annie. -Yeah?
-噢 这个不是很适合你吗 -噢 多么华丽啊
-Oh! Wouldn’t this be perfect for you? -Oh, it’s gorgeous!
你看它和水晶搭配的怎么样 噢 太完美了
Look how it goes with the crystal. Oh, perfect.
班克斯先生太太 还有美丽的新娘 幸会
Moster and Missus Banks and de luffly bride. Hello.
我是弗兰克 很高兴见到你们
I am Franck. A pleasure to mat you.
Howard’s has affer you sumding to drink, I hop.
-噢 是啊 -是啊 -噢 新娘 新娘
-Oh, yes. -Yes. -Oh, the bride, the bride.
Right away, I realized this was a mistake of gargantuan proportions.
这个人要去协调我们的婚礼 怎么协调 用字幕不成
This guy was going to coordinate our wedding? How? With subtitles?
好的 请跟我来然后我们来讨论这个重要的日子
Okay, please come wit me and we’ll talk all about yer big day!
-好的 -对新娘来说的重要日子 芭芭拉 来吧
-Okay. -The big day for de bride. Papala, coom.
噢 请坐 我自己设计的
Oh, see down on my own design.
我设计的 我觉得非常美观
I design that. Very nice, I think.
现在 这么说 你们还没有列出清单来
Now, so, you have not made up your list yet…
但是你们想要在一月六号♥在家举♥行♥婚礼 对吧
but you know that you want de wedding at hom on Jawn-wary six, rit?
-恩哈 是的 -什么
-Uh-huh. Yeah. -Excuse me?
是的 我们希望一月六号♥在家举♥行♥婚礼
Yes, we would. We would like a wedding at home on January the sixth.
嗯 我喜欢在家举办的婚礼
Mmm, I luff the weddings at the homs.
非常漂亮 温馨 令人难以置信的美好
They’re vary personable, very varm ‘n’ cuzy, vary fabulous.
噢 这么说 一月六号♥ 我们还有七个月
Oh, so, Jawn-wary six gif us seven munths.
噢 哈罗 是五个月
Uh-oh! Hello! That’s five munths!
Five munths not much!
But that don’t bother me so much because it’s a little bit tight…
but we can do it and it will be spak-takuler!
我看见你们担心了片刻 不用担心
I saw you wurry a second. Don’t wurry about dat.
现在 我看看
So now, les see.
这是我的建议 我建议我们先选个蛋糕
This is what I sugjoost. I sugjoost that we select a keck furst.
-好的 -因为蛋糕
-Okay. -You know, cuz de keck…
vary often determun vhat kind of wedding that you end up having.
那么我们挑选个蛋糕 好吗
So les just choose de keck, okay?
-选 选 选什么 -蛋糕 爸
-Choose… Choose… Choose the what ? -The cake, Dad.
谢谢你的帮忙 很有趣
Thank you, der assistant. Dis ees fun!
So dis ees a vary popular keck…
知道么 很多时髦的婚礼都选它
with the many of the foshinable woddings, you know.
这个 我不做介绍了
And this, I jus don’t do any more.
And this is fabulliz.
噢 噢 难以置信
Oh! Oh! That is incredible!
安妮 这个就像我们杂♥志♥上见过的那个一样
Annie, that’s just like the one we saw in the magazine.
你喜欢吗 爸
Do you like it, Dad?
那是什么 那值1200美元
Well, what is that? Is that… Is that dollars? $1,200?
班克斯先生 这是个相当合理的价格
Vel, Moster Bonks, dis ees a vary raisonable price…
for a keck of dis magnootud.
一个用面粉和水做的蛋糕 弗兰克
A cake, Franck, is made of flour and water.
-我的第一辆车都没花1200美元 -乔治
-My first car didn’t cost $1,200 -George.
好吧 欢迎来到90年代 班克斯先生
Well, welcome to the ’90s, Moster Bonks.
Not only did I not understand a syllable this guy was saying…
now I had the feeling he was putting me down.
对不起 呃 弗兰克
Excuse me, um, Franck.
-我们能单独谈一会吗 -噢 当然可以
-Could we please have a second? -Oh, of course!
多谈一会吧 霍华德 我们去回电♥话♥ 我们能
Take two seconds. Howard, letz return calls. Could we…
好吧 乔治 怎么了 你想离开
All right, George, what’s the problem? Do you want to leave?
-你想吗 -不 我喜欢他
-Do you? -No. I like him.
I think he’s going to make this a beautiful wedding.
别看我 你们决定吧
Don’t look at me. You guys decide.
给他一个机会 乔治 求你了
Give the man a chance, George, please.
安妮 你喜欢这个蛋糕吗
Annie, do you like this cake?
非常喜欢 爸
It is incredible, Dad.
-那好吧 但是 看吧 让我们 -我知道
-Well, all right. But, look, let’s just… -I know.
我们 我们正准备去 乔治 我们会讲价的
We… We’re going to, George. We’re gonna hold things down.
-我们 我们不会乱来的 -不会 不会 -谢谢
-We just… We won’t go nuts. -No. No. -Thank you.
-弗兰克 -来啦
-Franck! -Coming!
-蛋糕我们要了 -噢 很好 很好
-We’ll take the cake. -Oh, good, good.
别担心 班克斯先生 我们会带工作人员到您家里
Don’t worry, Moster Bonks. I’m gonna bring de crew over to the house.
We gif everything that we haf in the once-over department…
最后你们会非常 非常高兴的 相信我
and then in the end you be vary, vary happy, trust me.
You just smile away.
-现在 有个有趣的点子 -恩
-Now, interesting idea. -Yes.
考虑到婚礼的主题和色调 我是这么看的
Wit regard to thame and kolor of de wedding, dis is how I see it:
我认为我们把帐篷里弄得非常雅致 知道吗
I think we go vary elegant, inside de tent, you know…
仅仅一个快速的移♥动♥ 我就被置之商讨之外
With one swift move, I’d been cut out of the deal.
安妮 尼娜和弗兰克现在负责了
Annie, Nina and Franck were in charge now.
and bootiful china…
现在 水晶什么的放在那儿
Now, spo! And crystal to drop over dead for!
Old Dad was history.
new machine to work now.
几天之后 我正在工作
A few days later, I was at work…
relieved for once not to be talking about the wedding.
-这个周末我穿这双750型软运动鞋 -仍然很硬吗
-I wore those 750-trainers over the weekend. -They still stiff?
I think they need a soft…
刚从东方诸国回来 女士们 我带来了一批新货
Just back from the Orient, ladies, and I got a new shipment.
很漂亮的货 古姿[香水] 卡地亚[香水]
Beautiful merchandise. Gucci, Cartier,
Louis Vuitton.
-我从没听说过路易 -威登 -我也不认识
-I never heard of Louis Vuitton. -I don’t know.
很有名的 亲爱的 不然他们也不会被仿冒的
He’s big, darling, believe me, or they wouldn’t be knocking ’em off.
别担心 班克斯先生 她们正在稍适休息
Don’t worry, Mr Banks, they’re on a break.
-没问题 -乔治 弗兰克的办公室打来的 二号♥线
-That’s okay. -George, Franck’s office, line two.
噢 也许在周五能看到这些样品 还有 大卫 谢谢
Uh, maybe I could see those mockups by Friday, then, Dave? Thanks.
This was the call I’d been dreading since the moment I heard…
the words, “wedding coordinator.”
-你好 -班克斯先生 我是霍华德·韦因斯坦
-Hello. -Mr Banks, this is Howard Weinstein…
Franck’s executive assistant.
我有 你要的预算了
I have… estimate for you.
-我几乎听不见你 -我在我的车里
-I can barely hear you! -I’m in my car…
正穿过 水峡谷
going through …water Canyon.
Call you back?
不 不 不 我 我需要预算
No, no, no! I-I want the estimate.
多少 要花费多少
How much? What’s the damage?
For everything from the flowers to the honeymoon limo…
好吧 所有东西 多少
Okay, everything. How much?
百 五十每人
dred …ifty head.
你断线了 听起来你好像说一百五十每人
You’re breaking up. It sounded like you said 150 a head.
不是 不是
No! No!
-还好 我差点去自杀了 -是每人两百五十
-Good. I was about to kill myself. -It’s 250 a head.
-给我接尼娜的办公室 -她刚打来
-Get me Nina at work. -She just called.
-我需要最终参加的人数 -她刚刚给我了
-I need the final head count. -She just gave it to me.
多少 一百 五十
What is it? One-fifty?
$250 a head means for the four of us
to attend this wedding in our own home…
will cost $1,000.

一个人,一本书,一部电影,还是一段音乐 ♪ ♩ ♫ ♬ 在世界的某个角落, 总有什么能触动你的心灵; 在世界的某个角落, 总有和你一样的人。
