Hard to believe it’s still going on.
沙♥比♥高 你不觉得那很笨吗?
Serpico, don’t you think it’s kind of stupid…
接不认识的人的信? 那我应怎么办?
taking an envelope from somebody you didn’t know?
What was I supposed to do? I mean, give me…
How would I know what was in it unless I took it?
You have two alternatives.
You can force me to take you to the commissioner of investigations.
He’ll drag you in front of a grand jury.
我不想那样 -这一点我明白
I don’t want that. – I can understand that.
Word will get out.
事情未完结 你已死在河中
Before it’s all over, they’ll find you face-down in the East River.
那另外一个选择呢? -忘记这件事
What’s the other alternative? – Forget it.
Well, what do I do with this?
唏 沙展… 怎么? 有没有空? 有
Hey, Sarge? You got a minute?
有个黑人警♥察♥给我的 我不知该怎样处置
Colored cop gave me this. I didn’t know what to do with it.
好的 送到慈善机构去吧
Well, I’ll send it on to the Benevolent Association.
艾菲 过来
Alfie, come on.
Is that Bjoerling?
不 是迪史芬奴
No. It’s DiStefano.
I was sure it was Bjoerling.

You could hear it better over here.
那算是邀请了吧 对吗? -对
That’s an invitation, right? – Right.
For coffee.
我要去检查一下 我刚从医院回来
I’ll have to take a rain check. I’m due at the hospital.
为何不打电♥话♥请病假 那是最好的地方
Why don’t you call in sick? Perfect place.
Not me.
What are you, dedicated or somethin’?
对 那是奉献 很多男人都忍♥受不了
That’s right, I’m dedicated. Most men can’t stand it.
啊 他们知道些什么? -我喜欢你的花♥园♥
Well, what do they know? – I like your garden.
唏 喜欢我的花♥园♥
Love my garden.
Okay. I love your garden.
You know what they say, don’t you?
不知道 外面的人说什么?
No. What do they say?
若你喜欢一个男人的花♥园♥ 就应爱上那个男人
If you love a man’s garden, you gotta love the man.
艾菲 你喜欢她?
You like her, Alfie?
长官 我要告诉你的是 我已把它物归原主
All I can tell you, sir, is I gave it back.
I gotta get out of the 93.
Well, what happened on your narcotics application?
好像全已安排好 只要我说我是便衣就行
Looked like it was set, until I told ’em I was in plainclothes.
It was like the kiss of death.
They think everybody in clothes is on the take.
长官 你知布洛斯第七组吗?
Sir, do you know anything about the Bronx 7th Division?
我要到那边去一定可以… 但 若情况一样 那算了吧
I can go there if I want, but if it’s the same shit, screw it.
I’d rather answer phones for Spanish communications unit and go nuts.
Come on, Alfie.
法兰 可有人说过
Frank, did anyone ever tell you…
that you have a tendency toward self-pity?
没有 你是第一个
No, you’re the first.
好的… 法兰 我在那边有个朋友
All right. Frank, I have a friend up there, Roy Palmer.
叫莱巴马 他负责行政的 我会关照一下
He’s an administrative officer. I’ll speak with him.
好极 -再见 法兰
Good. Thank you, sir. – Good-bye, Frank.
愿神庇佑你 -好的
God bless you. – Right.
喂 法兰 我是麦坚队长
Frank, Captain McClain here.
麦队长 可否等一等
Captain McClain. Could you hold on a minute please, sir?
好了 对不起
Yeah. Sorry.
法兰 我今晚见过巴马督察
I saw Inspector Palmer tonight…
and he assures me the 7th Division is as clean as a hound’s tooth.
法兰 是他说的 没有人贪污
His words, Frank. “Clean as a hound’s tooth.”
I told him he was getting a hardworking officer…
一个勤力的警员 长胡子的 能说西班牙语 是超级卧底
wears a beard, speaks Spanish and would make a superb undercover man.
He was delighted.
真是好消息 非常感激
That’s good news, sir. Thank you. Thank you very much.
再见 法兰 愿主祝福你
Good-bye, Frank. God bless.
When did you start doing that?
McClain says that Palmer says…
that the 7th is as clean as a hound’s tooth.
Well, if that’s true, your problems are over.
Plainclothes division.
唏 法兰! 奇高 你好吗? -还可以
How are you? Good to see you! – All right.
很高兴见到你 听说你要前来 听我说
We heard you were coming up here. Listen.
跟力史密夫打个招呼 法兰沙♥比♥高
Say hello to Nate Smith. Frank Serpico.
占美摩鲁斯 法兰沙♥比♥高 -沙…沙♥比♥高
Jamie Morales, Frank Serpico. – Serpico?
法兰 你会喜欢在这儿的 这儿很不错
Hey, babe, you’re gonna love it up here. It’s beautiful.
听我说 我迟点会再跟你说
Listen, take… I’ll see youse later, all right?
跟我去兜兜风 你就会知道这部门的能力
Take a little ride with me. Get the feel of the division.
让我先报到吧 -算了 来吧
Maybe I should check in first. – Fuck that. Come on.
Deck the halls with boughs of holly
一百元买♥♥明尼苏达 -好的
Ten grand, Dallas… if Minnesota. Right.
Green Bay, 12 and a half at…
你这王八蛋 我们跟你说过这儿正被监视
You dumb fuck. We told you this location’s hot.
We told you to stay the fuck out of here.
奇高 老实说 没有人跟我说过
Keough, nobody told me. Honest.
来吧 我们去散散步
Come on. Let’s take a walk.
你好 来吧 放过我吧
Hi, kid. All right, a C-note apiece.
不行 法兰 我们收到投诉? 来吧
No way. We got a complaint. Right, Frank? Come on.
好的 奇高 给你两百
All right. Make it 200, Keough.
Hey, what, are you getting cheap in your old age, bambino?
三百 -三百?
Three. – Three?
You heard me.
好的 三百 -告诉你 我控你较轻的罪名
All right, three. – I’ll make it a light one.
唏 法兰! 什么? 你笔录下来好吗? -不 我要去报到
You wanna write this up? – No, I’m gonna check in.
不 带犯人去 落口供
Take the collar, Frank. Get on the sheet.
不 我还是先去报到
I better check in.
法兰 找个时间谈一谈
We’re gonna have a little talk later, right?
因我抓他 所以他才收两张传票
That dumb schmuck only came up with two bills because I booked him?
来吧 法兰
Here you go, Frank.
不 人是你抓的 你留住
It was your collar. Keep it.
I had a hunch you weren’t gonna take it.
法兰 警署曾致电我们提及你
You know, Frankie, we got a call about you from downtown.
Now, I ain’t sayin’ who.
They just said you couldn’t be trusted, you know?
Because I don’t take money, right? – Come on, Frank.
法兰 面对现实吧 谁会相信不收黑钱的警♥察♥
Let’s face it. Who can trust a cop who don’t take money?
I mean, you are pretty weird, you know, kid?
And with that call, the guys were gettin’ a little worried.
我跟他们说你还不错 我知你是21组过来的
I told them you were okay. I knew you from the old 21.
You’d never hurt another cop, right?
你不会害同僚的 是吗?
You’d never hurt another cop, would you, Frank?
要视乎他干了什么好事 -那不是正确的答案 法兰
That’d depend on what he did. – That’s the wrong answer, Frankie.
We’re not doing anything bad here.
We’re skimming a little gambling money.
很乾净 不是毒品 不害人的
It’s clean. It’s not dope. It hurts nobody.
Come on, Frank.
赌徒都是君子来的 不管怎样赌风又会继续 对吗?
Gamblers are gentlemen, and they’re gonna operate anyhow, right?
奇高 你不用为自己解释
Look, Keough, you don’t have to explain yourself to me.
你做你想做的就是了 要喝茶吗?
Do what you got to do. Want some tea?
不 我不喜欢喝茶 咖啡吧
No, I don’t like that shit. I’ll have a coffee, huh?
法兰 你怎么了? 你在担心些什么?
What’s the matter, Frank? What are you worried about?
听我说 不会有人知道的
Listen. We don’t go overboard here.
我们不是懒散的人 小心得很
We’re not sloppy. We’re careful.
我们抓那些黑人 因为他们太蠢太懒散
The spicks, niggers, we bust them. They operate so dumb and sloppy…
they get your ass in hot water every time.
但意大利人呢? 那是另一回事
But the Italians, now, that’s a different story.
他们都是守承诺的人 法兰 他们都能信赖
They’re men of their word. They’re reliable, Frankie.
你真的很会分♥析♥ -你说得对 我已分♥析♥出来了
You really got it analyzed. – Fuckin’ right I got it analyzed.
It’s worth it.
可知他们能赚多少钱 法兰?
