可以用很人性化的方式 销♥售♥出去
and that could be sold as something intimate.
而这可能就是你 我是说 专为你而存在
And it would be you. I mean, it would be for you.
并不是为你存在 它就是你
It wasn’t just for you. It was you.
苹果初步商业计划 1981年7月12日
Can you just show me the front of it?
That’s the part that most people would recognize.
这部分就是 大家会从广♥告♥中记得的
This is a piece that everybody remembers from the ads,
刊登在时代杂♥志♥封面 史蒂夫将它放在膝盖上
from the Time magazine cover with Steve holding it in his lap.
这台是最有名的裸色 我们已经停产了
And this is the famous beige that we’re never going to have any more of.
He hated this even at this time,
但当时我们刚做出来时 我们有点卡住了
but we were kind of stuck with it by the time we got there.
It was a fun little machine.
苹果工程总监 1982年到1985年
他有天突然打给我 我那时候在施乐上班
He called me just out of the blue. I was working at Xerox.
我接起电♥话♥ 另一头是史蒂夫乔布斯
And I picked up the phone, and it was Steve Jobs.
And he said, “I hear you’re a good guy,
“但至今你做的都是垃圾 来我这里工作吧”
but everything you’ve done so far is crap. Come work for me.”
我告诉了我太太 我说”嗯 会怎么样呢”
I told my wife at the time. I said, “Well, what could happen?”
“How bad could this be?”
我当时不了解 结果能有多么糟糕
I didn’t realize how bad it could be.
First trip Steve ever made to Japan
是希望能看看 我们能不能弄到一台磁碟机
was to see what we could do about getting a disc drive for the machine.
然后我们在日本厚木市看到了 索尼的磁碟设备
And we saw the Sony disc facility in Atsugi, Japan.
看到随身听之后 他就迷上了索尼
He had a lot of affection for Sony because the Walkman was a machine
that he just thought was the bee’s knees.
听着索尼的随身听 真的可以享受音乐
You really feel the music with a Sony Walkman
索尼随身听是一台小小的 立体声音乐播放器
The Sony Walkman is a tiny stereo cassette player
with truly incredible sound.
仿佛置身音乐之中 你真的感觉得到
You really feel the music You really feel it
我认为这是人类史上 第一台产品
I think it was the first product in human history
第一台超过上亿台的机器 它非常喜欢
that went over a billion units. That he liked.
One of things that Steve thought was important,
杰瑞曼那克实现了 这里是所有人的签名
and Jerry Manock facilitated it, was this is where all the signatures are.
And they’re all the people, the original group,
他们真的签在机器上面 正中间是史蒂夫乔布斯的签名
that actually signed the machine. There’s Steve Jobs right in the middle.
My name is over here.
Why did you do that?
为这付出的人们 他们将自己视为…
Because the people that worked on it consider themselves,
and I certainly consider them, artists.
在不同环境之下 这些人可能都会是
These are the people that under different circumstances
画家或是诗人 但是由于我们身处的时代
would be painters and poets, but, because of the time that we live in,
this new medium has appeared
让人能够向自己的同伴 表达自己
in which to express oneself to one’s fellow species.
And that’s a medium of computing.
We would sit in the temples in Kyoto,
我们的鞋子放在门口 就这样坐着
just taking off our shoes at the door and sitting.
他从那里带回另一种美学视野 你不觉得吗
Did he take from that any kind of aesthetic vision, do you think?
我也是这样想 这是一种简约性
I think certainly. A simplicity.
Just feeling that inner calm
在日本某些地方 可以感受到这种平静
that’s so available at some places in Japan.
他是那种保持安静 会感觉很舒服的人
He was a very much a person who was comfortable in silence.
史蒂夫用混乱控制一切 但制♥造♥混乱非常简单
Steve ruled by a kind of a chaos. And it’s easy to make chaos,
如果你能够与之安然共处 你就能将它变成工具
and if you’re comfortable with it, you can use it as a tool.
他会用一些天文数字 当作刺♥激♥的手段
And he used a vast number of really irritating tools
to get other people involved in his schemes.
他会先吸引你 然后抹黑你 最后他会弃你不顾
He’s seducing you, he’s vilifying you and he’s ignoring you.
You’re in one of those three states.
在一个核心团队 大概有十个天才在里面
When you get a core group of, you know, ten great people,
他们就会自我监管 只要他们认可这团员
it becomes self-policing as to who they let into that group.
所以像我这种人 最重要的工作就是招募
So, I consider the most important job of someone like myself is recruiting.
史蒂夫乔布斯将我们聚在一起 组成一个没有规则的团队
Steve Jobs brought us all together in a place that had no rules.
他很疯狂 是一个疯狂的天才
He’s a maniac. He’s a maniacal genius.
His job is to stir up everything.
生命中有很多事情 都在持续的告诉你
Most places in life are continuously telling you
你的梦想没有可能完成 一点都不实际
that your dreams aren’t possible or practical.
你三十岁以前 可能不想听到这些话
You don’t want to hear that when you’re under 30.
What you want to do is race after them.
你扪心自问 你为什么要这样做
You ask yourself, why are you doing it?
我绝对不是为了史蒂夫乔布斯 才这样做的
I’m certainly not doing it for Steve Jobs.
我这样做是因为我认为 一切都还能够更好
I’m doing it for what I think is a much greater good than that.
大家都努力工作 不是因为工作必须被完成
Everybody just wanted to work, not because it was work that had to be done,
而是我们现在做的是 我们全心全意相信的事
but it was because it was something that we really believed in.
我们现在看到个人电脑了 我们希望可以改变全世界
Here is how we see personal computers. Here is how we want the world to be.
而这就是我们 要怎么去改变全世界的方式
And here’s how we’re going to change it.
我们对于将来的样子 己经有了愿景
We have a vision of what we want it to be.
我们想要改变人类 我们想要做出改变
We want to convert people. We want to make converts.
我觉得我在麦金塔的工作 就是让各部门间顺利地运作
I felt my job at Macintosh was to make the division work smoothly enough
然后我们就像 是儿时玩玩具一般
that we could actually get this thing from really a mess of kids
把玩一堆又一堆的 硬件和软件零件
playing around with a bunch of hardware and software
并组成一个个 卖♥♥得出去的产品
into something that would be a commercial product.
这就是我的工作 我让这机器得以完成
And that’s what I did. I got that machine finished.
It is now 1984.
IBM became the apparent visible threat.
IBM想独霸天下 所以把枪口指向
IBM wants it all, and is aiming its guns
阻止它独占产业的唯一障碍 苹果
on its last obstacle to industry control. Apple.
蓝巨人会不会 从此主宰电脑业
Will Big Blue dominate the entire computer industry?
主宰整个资讯时代 乔治欧威尔的预言会成真吗
The entire information age? Was George Orwell right?
今天 我们欢庆一周年
Today, we celebrate the first glorious anniversary
over the information purification directives.
这个广♥告♥再次 让苹果与IBM并驾齐驱
That ad was again a juxtaposition with IBM.
-这才是最重要的 -没错
-That’s what it was about. -Yeah.
The people in the audience were mindless IBM users.
没错 你知道 史蒂夫很喜欢
Yes. You know, for Steve it was great
因为他喜欢扮演这种 亦正亦邪的角色
because he had this bad guy/good guy, and he loved playing that role.
We shall prevail!
在一月24号♥ 苹果电脑会向大家介绍麦金塔
你将会见证 1984年将不再只是1984年
回顾过去 看看幕后 不难看见广♥告♥中的讽刺
Looking back, behind the scenes, it’s easy to see the irony in the ad.
现在 苹果就是巨人
Today, Apple is Goliath.
开录 开录了
Rolling. Rolling.
然而即便在1984年 苹果将自己定位在非传统公♥司♥
But even in 1984, when Apple cast itself as the counterculture company,
在苹果上班 可不比IBM轻松
working at Apple was a lot tougher than IBM.
我认为如果你和电脑团队 大多数人聊过之后
I think if you talk to a lot of people on the Mac team,
他们会告诉你这是他们这辈子 做过最困难的一份工作
they will tell you it was the hardest they’ve ever worked in their life.
有些人会说这是 你知道的
Some of them will tell you it was, you know,
the happiest they’ve ever been in their life,
but I think all of them will tell you
这绝对是 他们终其一生
that it is certainly one of the most intense and cherished experiences
they will ever have in their life.
-没错 他们有说 -所以…
-Mm-hmm. Yeah, they did. -So…
You know…
对有些人来说 这件事情不能这样下去
Some of those things are not sustainable for some people.
你们所有人今天都超赞 我们秒杀他们 乔布斯
我的人生都完蛋了 我因为这个失去我老婆
I ended up changing my entire life. I lost my wife in that process.
我因为这个失去我的孩子 我失去了…
I lost my children in that process. I lost…
The whole structure of my life was just changed forever
by going and working on the Mac.
-因为工作压力很大 -压力非常大
Because the work became so intense? The work was intense.
协议就是如此 压力很大
The commitment needed to do it was intense.
我可能礼拜二早上去上班 超过一半的人都会恨我
I would go into work on a Tuesday morning and half the people would hate me,
接着我礼拜三早上 到公♥司♥的时候
and I’d come back on Wednesday morning,
还是会有一半的人恨我 只不过是另外一半
and half the people would hate me, but it was the other half.
这里有很多 以自我为中心的人
There were an awful lot of prima donnas in that outfit,
so I was always in conflict.
这里是你写的文章 你想要念一下吗
Here’s the piece you wrote. You want to read it?
“史蒂夫的逝世 多多少少让我有点震惊”
“Steve’s passing did come as a bit of a shock for me.”
“在1982年到1985间 这三年多的时间”
“For a bit more than three years, 1982 to 1985,
we were together a lot of the time.”
“我们去了好多次日本 我们非常熟悉彼此”
“We made a dozen trips to Japan together. We were close.”
“在那之后 我只看过他几次”
“After that, I only saw him a few times.”
“I haven’t seen him in many years.”
“他是一个在各方面 都很出色的正常人”
“He was an extraordinary person in many ways and quite normal in others.”
