看看你的证件 慢慢的!
Let’s see some credentials. Slowly !
-你是口香糖代理? -口香糖?
-You’re a Chewlies gum representative ? -Chewlies ?
你激起反吸烟情绪干嘛 卖♥♥更多的口香糖?
You’re stirring up anti-smoking sentiment to, what, sell more gum ?
Get out of here !
还有你们 没有事做吗? 滚出去 别瞎闹了
And you people–Don’t you have jobs to go to ? Get out of here. Go commute.
你们应该为自己感到羞耻 没有脑子的家伙
You oughta be ashamed of yourselves. A bunch of easily led automatons.
Try thinking for yourselves before you pelt an innocent man with cigarettes !
呃 一包香烟?
Uh, pack of cigarettes ?
Don’t you think you’re taking this a bit too hard ?
I have enough indignities in my life
and people start throwing cigarettes at me.
-At least they weren’t lit.
-噢 我讨厌他妈的这个地方
-Oh, I hate this fucking place.
那就别干了 无论如何你应该去学校
Then quit. You should be going to school anyway.
摆脱 Veronica 在这点上 我最不想的就是上课了
Please, Veronica, at this point, the last thing I need is a lecture.
我要说的是 如果你不愉快的话
All I’m saying is, if you’re that unhappy,
you should leave.
-我今天本不该在来的! -我知道
-I’m not even supposed to be here today! -I know.
我经过你家你妈妈告诉我 你好像6:00就走了
I stopped by your house. Your mom told me you left, like, at 6:00 or something.
那家伙病了 他不能来
The guy got sick. He couldn’t come in.
-你2:00不是有场曲棍球赛吗? -是的
-Don’t you have a hockey game at 2:00 ? -Yes.
And I’m gonna play like shit
because I didn’t have a good night’s sleep.
-那你为什么要答应来呢? -嘿 我只干到12:00
-Why’d you agree to come in then ? -Hey, I’m only here until 12:00.
那以后 我就走 老板会来的
After that, I’m gone. The boss comes in.
-Why don’t you open the shutters?
Get some sunlight in here.
-Someone jammed gum in the locks.
-你开什么玩笑 -镇上的一群粗人
-You’re kidding. -Bunch of savages in this town.
请把钱放在柜台上 请自觉找领
-谢谢 -你放了多少钱在那里?
-Thanks. -How much money did you leave up there?
两个一元和些零钱 大概三元左右
Like, three dollars in mixed change and a couple of singles.
在早晨这个时候 人们只买♥♥些报纸和咖啡
This time in the morning, people just get a paper or coffee.
-你相信他们 -你为什么那样说?
-You’re trusting. -Why do you say that ?
How do you know they’re taking the right amount of change
or even paying for what they take ?
理论上 人们看到钱放在柜台上 旁边没人
Theoretically, people see money on the counter, no one around,
they think they’re being watched.
Honesty through paranoia.
Why do you smell like shoe polish ?
I needed shoe polish to make that sign out there.
-Smell won’t come off.
You think anybody can see us down here ?
怎么 你想要做♥爱♥还是什么?
Why, you wanna have sex or something ?
-可以吗? -真的吗?
-Can we ? -Really ?
-我开玩笑呢 -想你也不敢
-I was kidding. -Like you can’t get enough of me.
-男人典型的观点 -你怎么看出来的?
-Typically male point of view. -How do you figure ?
炫耀对房♥事的精通 自认为是上帝
Show some bedroom proficiency, you think you’re gods.
What about what we do for you ?
Women as lovers are basically the same;
they just have to be there.
-在那里? -让男人达到高♥潮♥不是什么挑战
-Be there ? -Making a male climax isn’t at all challenging.
Insert somewhere close,
希望潮湿有力些 而且要不停的
preferably moist, thrust, repeat.
How flattering.
现在 让女人达到高♥潮♥ 那才是个挑战
Now, making a woman come, therein lies a challenge.
You think so ?
一个女人让男人达到高♥潮♥ 是很正常地
A woman makes a guy come, it’s standard.
一个男人让女人高♥潮♥ 那需要天赋
A guy makes a woman come, it’s talent.
-是我在追你吗? -有什么问题吗?
-And I actually date you ? -Something wrong ?
我被侮辱了相信我 Don Juan
I’m insulted. Believe me, Don Juan,
it takes more than that to get a guy off.
只是那样的话 就你所说的那些 是不够了
Just being there, as you put it, is not enough.
嗯 我很感动
Hmm, I’ve touched a nerve.
I’m astonished to hear you
you trivialize
my role in our sex life.
那是针对你的 我刚做了广泛的概括
It wasn’t directed at you. I was making a broad generalization.
You’re making a generalization about broads.
Those are my opinions based on the few women…
who were goodly enough to sleep with me.
-有多少? -有多少什么?
-How many ? -How many what ?
How many different girls have you slept with ?
-我们以前没有讨论过吗? -可能讨论过吧
-Didn’t we have this discussion once before ? -We might have.
-我不记得了多少? -包括你吗?
-I don’t remember. How many ? -including you ?
It better be up to and including me.
-12个 -你和12个不同的女孩睡过?
-Twelve. -You slept with 12 different girls ?
包括你? 是的
Including you ? Yes.
-噢! 你干嘛? -你个死猪!
-Ow ! What’d you do that for ? -You’re a pig !
-Why’d you hit me ?
-Do you know how many different men I’ve had sex with ?
你告诉我后 我也打你一下吗?
Do I get to hit you after you tell me ?
-3个 -3个?
-Three. -Three ?
-三个 包括你 -你只和三个不同的人睡过?
-Three, including you. -You only slept with three different people ?
-我可不像你这头猪一样 -谁?
-I’m not the pig you are. -Who ?
-你! -不 那三个人是谁 除我外
-You ! -No, who are the three, besides me.
- John Francin和Rob Stanslik -喔
-John Francin and Rob Stanslik. -Wow.
That’s why you should feel like a pig.
You men make me feel sick.
-You’ll sleep with anything that says yes.
-畜生 石头 或是蔬菜
-Animal, mineral or vegetable.
蔬菜 指地是截瘫的
Vegetable, meaning paraplegic.
They put up the least amount of struggle.
你这样说得话 你欠我可多了
After dropping a bombshell like that, you owe me big.
Name it.
I want you to come with me on Monday.
-去哪里? -去学校
-Where ? -To school.
在失去一次入学机会后 那儿有个关于…
There’s a seminar about getting back into a scholastic program…
after a lapse in enrollment.
Can’t we ever have a discussion without that coming up ?
这对我很重要 Dante
It’s important to me, Dante.
你在把你自己的潜能 浪费在这种深渊里
You have so much potential that’s going to waste in this pit.
-I wish you’d go back to school.
-Stop. You’re making my head hurt.
-狗屎! 你起来干什么?
-Shit ! Why’re you getting up ?
-我可不像你 我有个45分钟的课程
-Unlike you, I have class in 45 minutes.
Willam ?
嘿 Ronni 你好吗 伙计?
Hey, Ronni. How you been, man ?
What, do you work here now ?
不 我只是来看我男朋友
No, I was visiting my man.
Dante 这是 Willam Black 这是Dante Hicks 我男朋友
Dante, this is Willam Black. This is Dante Hicks, my boyfriend.
-你好吗? 只要苏打水? -不 一包香烟
-How you doing ? Just the soda ? -No, and a pack of cigarettes.
你最近在哪里? 还在Seton Hall?
So where you been, man ? Still going to Seton Hall ?
不 今年我转到Monmouth我太想他了
No, I transferred into Monmouth this year. I was tired of missing him.
很好啊 伙计
That’s beautiful, man.
So, you still talk to Silvan ?
I just talked to her on Monday.
We still hang out on weekends.
哦 很好
Oh, that’s great.
啊 你小两口好好过啊?
Well, you two lovebirds take it easy, okay ?
再见 慢走
Bye. Take it easy.
-他是打雪仗 -你为什么那样叫他?
-That was Snowball. -Why do you call him that ?
Silvan给他起的 是口♥交♥方面的事
Silvan made it up. It’s a blow job thing.
What do you mean ?
口♥交♥后 他喜欢在亲吻的时候把那再吞回去
After the blow job, he likes to have it spit back into his mouth while kissing.
It’s called snowballing.
-他要求这样的? -他先提出来的
-He requests this ? -He gets off on it.
-Silvan什么都能说啊 -怎么那样说呢?
-Silvan can be talked into anything. -Why do you say that ?
就像你说的 她会给他”打雪仗”
Like you said, she snowballed him.
- Silvan? 不 我给他打雪仗 -是吗
-Silvan ? No, I snowballed him. -Yeah, right.
