They say things are no good in this house.
卡沙妮那 你的儿子结婚了
Caterina, your son is married.
可以不必管他们了 他想和他的老婆在一起
Leave him in peace. He wants to be alone with his wife.
他们不希望有老女人 坐在阳台上
They don’t want no old woman sittin’ in the balcony.
My son Thomas come to see you this afternoon,
and he say to you he’s gonna throw his mother from this house?
卡沙妮那 不要为这争论
Ooh, Caterina, don’t make an opera out of this.
你们三个人和一个婴儿 一起住在这间房♥内
The three of you and a little baby in three skinny little rooms.
这并不好 一个老女人和一对夫妻住一起
You know this is no good – old woman living with a husband and wife.
Two women in the same kitchen, the house burns up.
So I’m an old garbage bag put in the street, huh?
卡沙妮那 不要制♥造♥悲剧
Caterina, don’t make a tragedy.
到我家来住 你会快乐的
Come and live in my house where you know you be more happier yourself.
It pains they should do this.
I know it pains.
These are the worst years, I tell you.
卡沙妮那 你对我很重要
Caterina, you are very dear to me.
We cried lots of times together.
当我丈夫死时 如果没有你 我会发疯
When my poor husband, he die, I would be crazy if not for you.
我要你来我家 因为 我知道我可以令你快乐
I ask you to come to my house, because I know I can make you happy.
求求你来 卡沙妮那
Please come to my house, Caterina.
These are the worst years, I tell you.
It’s gonna happen to you.
I’m afraid to look in a mirror.
我怕看到白发苍苍的老女人 就像公园内的老女人
I’m afraid I’m gonna see an old lady with white hair, like the old ladies in the park –
little bundles in black shawl, waiting for the coffin.
我已五十六岁 我能作什么呢
I’m 56 years old, and what I got to do with myself?
但我还有一点力气 我要打扫,我要作饭
I got strength in my hands. I wanna clean, I wanna cook.
I wanna make dinner for my children.
我又不是一只老狗 卧在火炉旁等着眼闭上
Am I an old dog to lay near the fire till my eyes close?
这时代太可怕了 泰丽沙 可怕的时代
These are terrible years, Theresa. Terrible years.
卡沙妮那 听我说
Caterina, listen…
你也会遇到的 一定会的
It’s gonna happen to you. It’s gonna happen to you!
What are you gonna do if Marty gets married, huh?
What are you gonna cook?
那些在房♥里嬉戏的孩子呢 吵声呢
Where’s all the children playin’ in all the rooms? Where’s the noise?
It’s a curse to be a widow. A curse!
What are you gonna do if Marty gets married?
What are you gonna do?
I’m gonna put my things in a bag,
and I come to you tomorrow.
不必担心你姐姐 我们去喝咖啡 马上回来
Don’t worry. We’ll come right back.
你是教化学的 在哪里教
You teach chemistry? What school?
法兰克林高中 – 布鲁克林吗
Benjamin Franklin High School. – In Brooklyn?
我以前念的是道格拉斯中学 就在我家转角处
I went to Theodore Roosevelt on Fordham Road. It’s near my house.
我有个表弟在教书 教拉丁文
I have a cousin who’s a teacher. He teaches Latin.
住芝加哥 他想成为牧师 但后来放弃了
He was studying to be a priest, but he gave it up.
我在高中不错 但现在不行了
I was pretty good in high school. I sound like a jerk now.
我当时平均成绩82分 真不错的
I got an 82 average. That ain’t bad.
我当时申请入市立大学获准 但我老爸死了 我必须去工作
I was accepted at City College, but my old man died, so I had to go to work.
Want some cigarettes?
我最喜欢上德文课 那是我念得最好的外语课
German was my best class. That was my best language.
Der, die, das. Des, der, des 我还记得
Der, die, das. Des, der, des. There you are, I still remember.
你知道我在高中什么科最棒吗 是数学
You know what I was good at in high school? Math.
你知道我何时上高中吗 是一九三七年六月
You know how long ago I graduated high school? June 1937.
老天爷 一九三七年六月 多久了 十五…十七年了
Holy cow! June 1937! What is that? 15… 17 years ago!
老天爷 有没有算错 十七年 没错
Holy cow! Seven… Let’s see, is that right? Yeah, 17. That’s right.
我愈来愈老了 我三十五岁了 三十五岁
Where’d it all go? I’m gettin’ old. I’m gonna be 35 years old November 8th. 35!
Wow! Time goes on, boy!
对 一九三七年六月
Yeah. 19… June 1937.
我老爸在一九三七年十二月过世 是凌晨两点死的
My old man died December 1937. Two o’clock in the mornin’, he died.
前门铃响了 立刻出去 因为我的房♥间就在前面
Bell rings. I knew somethin’ was wrong because my room is on the ground floor.
都是我来应门的 是史特先生来了
I had to get outta bed to answer the door, and there was Mr Stern.
他住在一条街外 后来搬走了
He had a house down about a block away from us. He moved out, though.
我老爸常在路上交朋友 他是个犹太太人
My old man played cards with him and some other guys. He was a Jewish fella.
他说 你妈在吗 我立刻知道一定出了什么事
So he said “Is your mother home?” So I knew there was somethin’ wrong.
我当时才十八岁 正好十八岁
I was only 18, exactly 18 years old just a month before.
于是我说怎么了 史特先生面色凝重
So I said “Is something wrong, Mr Stern?” I was in my pyjamas.
于是他说 马蒂,你♥爸♥爸死了
So he said “Marty, your father died.”
My father died right in the middle of playin’ cards, at the table.
他有心脏病 有低血压症
He had a heart attack. He had low blood pressure.
He used to faint a lot, you know.
Boy… Boy, am I talkin’!
真对不起 我这一辈子很少这么多话
Excuse me. I never talked so much in all my life.
Usually everybody tells me their troubles.
我现在不说话 让你说
Well, I’m gonna shut up now and let you get a word in.
Yeah, 17 years ago.
What I been doin’ with myself all that time?
我又来了 你一定烦死了
Well, there I go again! I must be drivin’ you crazy.
我以前和女孩子在一起 都不知道该说什么才好
Most of the time I’m with a girl I… I can’t find a word to say.
我现在不说话了 让你说 你一定不喜欢这样
I’m gonna shut up and let you get a word in, because usually I’m not like this.
Usually I…
我又来了 我忍♥不住不说话
There I go again! I can’t stop talkin’.
我简直闭不了口 你一定认为我喝醉了
I’m on a jag, for Pete’s sakes! You’d think I was loaded.
Well, anyway, like… like I started to say…
我无法闭嘴 我真呆
I can’t stop my mouth. Isn’t this stupid?
You got a real nice face, you know.
Really, a nice face.
Thank you.
麦克 有没有漂亮姑娘 – 一堆没人要的
Hey, mac. Anything good inside? – A bunch of dogs.
Hey, Marty.
马蒂 你在这里吗
Marty, you in here?
So I’m in a kneeling position,
and if you ever tried shootin’ a BAR in a kneeling position, you know what I mean.
我站不稳 前后摇晃
I can’t hold a steady position. I’m waverin’ back and forth.
So the guy next to me, he’s shootin’ from a prone position,
and he’s cross-eyed, like I told you.
So just then…
So just then I hear five shots go off from the guy next to me.
我的牌子降下 又上升 我射中了五枪
My target goes down. A minute later the flag comes up. I got five bull’s-eyes!
That’s how I got the reputation of being the best shot in the whole battalion!
克丽儿 我退役以后 就迷失了
So when I got out of the army, Clara, I was lost.
I didn’t know what I wanted to do.
I was 25 years old.
我能作什么呢 回到我过去的工作 每小时40美分
What was I gonna do? Go back to my old job, 40 cents an hour?
I thought maybe I’d go to college under the GI Bill of Rights.
我弟弟费迪要结婚了 我还有三个未婚妹妹
But my brother Freddie wanted to get married and I had three unmarried sisters.
住在意大利式房♥子里 这真是很糟的事
In an Italian house, that’s a terrible thing.
So I just went to pieces.
I used to walk the streets till three, four o’clock in the mornin’.
我可怜的老妈子 一直在担心我
My poor mother… used to be so worried about me.
God forgive me what I’m gonna say now, but…
I used to think of doin’ away with myself.
我有时站在地下铁旁 希望上帝原谅我所想的
I used to stand on the subway and, God forgive me what I’m gonna say, I…
I used to feel the tracks suckin’ me down under the wheels.
Yes, I know.
我是个天主教♥徒♥ 想自杀也是件可怕的事
I’m Catholic, you know. Even to think about suicide is a terrible sin.
Yes, I know.
So then Mr Otari, he offered me this job in his butcher shop and…
Everybody pleaded with me to take it.
So that’s what happened.
I didn’t wanna be a butcher.
There’s nothing wrong with being a butcher.
Well, it’s not an elegant profession.
这是下层社会的工作 人们都看不起肉贩
It’s in the lower social scale. People look down on butchers.
I don’t.
Well, the point is Mr Otari wants to sell his shop now because…
那个店面确实不错 升值了百分之三十五
It’s a nice little shop. I handle his books for him, so I know he has a 35% mark-up,
which is not unreasonable.
