Grand Central? How far have they gone? – Comin’ up on 23rd Street.
Better move those cops off the platform.
Better follow along down Park Avenue.
队长 带我去23街
Get me 23rd Street.
要进入 23街了
[Green] Comin’ in to 23rd Street.
很好 稳稳地前进
All right. Steady as she goes now.
加伯?我刚想到一件很糟糕的事 假设他们 已不在车上
Garber? Just had a terrible thought. Suppose they’re not on the train?
What if they set the throttle and jumped off?
我们在追着列车跑的时候 他们就在我们身后溜出去了
While we’re chasin’ the train, they’re sneakin’ out somewhere behind us.
很聪明 长官 只是不可能
Ingenious, sir, except it’s impossible.
为什么? – 有个叫防死钮的小装置
Why? – A gizmo known as a deadman’s feature.
内建在驾驶手把 以防止司机突然暴毙
It’s built into the control handle in case the motorman drops dead.
The handle has to have a man’s hand pressing down on it, hard, at all times.
否则它没作用 列车也就停了下来
Otherwise the thing don’t work. The train stops cold.
Ah, I see.
不过你说的好 我会通知他们 免得你担忧
Nice try, though. I’ll give ’em a call in case you’re still worried about it.
佩勒姆 123 佩勒姆 123 你那儿怎么回事?
[Garber] Pelham One Two Three, what’s goin’ on down there?
铁轨还没清空 你们怎么就开动了?
The tracks aren’t cleared yet. How come you’re movin’?
We’re trying to put some distance between us
and all those policemen you’ve got hidden back there.
如果你还往前开 你就会碰上许多红灯了
If you keep moving, you’re gonna run into a lot of red signals.
你可别来怪我 – 我什么都不怪你
I don’t want you to blame us for it. – l won’t blame you for anything.
只要你清空轨道后 回报一声 好吗 通话完毕
Just let us know when you’ve cleared the track. OK, signing off.
Do you think he’s able to figure anything out?
I mean, all those questions.
Not surprising under the circumstances, is it?
They’re thinking what we want them to think.
啊 就是这里
Ah, there it is.
好了 麻烦你通过后 再往前几码就停车
OK. Stop a few yards past it, will you?
[Green] All right.
谢谢你 绿色先生
[brakes screech] – Thank you, Mr. Green.
又停了 快通知
He shutdown again. Pass it along.
中♥央♥塔台呼叫行控中心 听到回答 行控中心
Grand Central Tower callin’ Command Center. Come in, Command Center.
Command Center.
又停了 队长 刚好停在18街那一站
She stopped again, Lieutenant. Below 18th Street station.
知道了 谢谢
Got ya. Thanks.
丹尼尔斯督察长 他们又停了 你在哪?
Inspector, they stopped again. Where are you?
快到17街了 – 停车 你刚好在他们上面
Approachin’ 17th Street. – Pull over. You’re right above them.
And then what?
那要看他们了 稍候再打给你 长官
It’s up to them. I’ll get back to you, sir.
佩勒姆 123 呼叫佩勒姆 123 听到请回答
[Garber] Pelham One Two Three. Cal/in’ Pelham One Two Three. Come in, please.
佩勒姆 123 佩勒姆 123
Pelham One Two Three, Pelham One Two Three,
这里是行控中心 听到回答
this is Command Center. Come in.
Quick as you can.
佩勒姆 123 我是加伯 听到请回答
[Garber] Pelham One Two Three. This is Garber. Come in, please.
Come in, please.
What the hell’s goin’ on out there?
Who s-s-said you could talk? – [children laugh]
佩勒姆 123 听到回答 佩勒姆 123 为什么不回答?
Pelham One Two Three, come in. Pelham One Two Three, why don’t you answer?
弗兰克 清空到南渡口的轨道要多久?
Frank, how long before the track’s cleared?
You mean before this railroad is so fucked
去把被搅成一团糟的路线恢复原状的时间? – 是 弗兰克 我是这个意思
it’ll take a computer to put it back? – Yes, Frank, that’s what I meant.
大约要五六分钟 布鲁克林大桥有个路障 从桥头堵到桥尾
About five or six minutes. I got a snag at Brooklyn Bridge.
里科 下面出状况了 – 你认为呢?
There’s somethin’ goin’ on down there. – Whaddaya think?
I don’t have the slightest idea.
里科 我不管那些笨蛋怎么说 我要把人布署到每一个…
Listen Rico, I don’t care what those clowns said, I want men on every…
等等 稍待一下
Wait a minute. Hold on a second.
Inspector Daniels?
I think we need officers on every platform
from 14th Street to South Ferry.
好主意 队长 照办
That’s a good idea, Lieutenant. Will do.
I’ll come up to 17th Street and join ya.
里科 司机的名单你查得怎样了?
Rico, how you coming along with that list of motormen?
他们正在查 我要他们快点
They’re workin’ on it. I told ’em to rush it.
Come up here and take over the radio for me.
不要告诉绑匪铁轨清空了 除非我通知你
But don’t tell ’em the track’s clear until you hear from me.
在我到那儿之前 我不希望他们又开动
I don’t want them startin’ again until I get there.
照办 扎
Will do, Z.
丹尼尔斯督察长? – 我是丹尼尔斯
Inspector Daniels? – Daniels.
喔 我 呃…我还以为你是矮个子
Oh, I, uh… I thought you were a, uh… like a shorter guy.
I don’t know what I thought.
有情况? – 没有 他们还在那里
Anythin’ happenin’? – They’re still down there.
如果这街面塌陷了 我们可能正好踩在他们头上
If this street collapsed, we’d land right on top of ’em.
[Rico] Command Center to DCI, Manhattan.
里科 我是加伯
Yeah, Rico, this is Garber.
铁轨已经清空几分钟了 要我通知绑匪吗?
Track’s been cleared for two minutes. Do you want me to call the hijackers?
好 通知他们 他们一开车就通报我们 好吗?
Yeah, let ’em know. And let us know when they start movin’, will ya?
我们要等还是要动手? 要是等他们速度上来了 我们也就追不上了
What do we do? If they pick up speed on us we’ll have trouble keepin’ up.
我认为应该马上动手 换我们来给他们一个突袭
I think we oughta take off. Get a jump on them for a change.
Move it.
告诉队长集结部队 原地待命
Tell the sergeant to hold the men here until further word.
是 长官
[man] Yes, sir.
Fits like a glove.
分得开吗? – 没问题
ls it gonna come away clean? – It’s gonna work all right.
行控中心呼叫佩勒姆 123
[Rico] Command Center to Pelham One Two Three.
这是谁? – 麦克风给我
Who’s that? – Give me the mike.
拿去 – 这里是佩勒姆
Here. – This is Pelham.
加伯怎么了? – 他再伟大也是要撒尿的
What happened to Garber? – Even great men have to pee.
Just letting you know the track’s cleared all the way to South Ferry.
谢谢你 帮我跟队长致意
Thank you. Give the lieutenant my regards.
上法庭时 你自已跟他说 – 通话完毕
Do it yourself, at the arraignment. – Over and out.
Best get going.
好啦 棕色先生
All right, Mr. Brown.
你们都坐下 谁都不能站起来
You will all remain seated. That means nobody is to get up.
又怎么了? – 你问我我问谁?
Now what? – Me you’re askin’?
好了 走
OK. Come on.
嘿 你干嘛呀?! 他们说要坐下的
Hey, where are you goin’?! – [chatter]
I’m a police officer!
蓝色先生? – 什么事?
Mr. Blue? – Yeah, what do you want?
I thought I saw somethin’ f-f-fall off.
What do you mean, something?
也许是个人 我不确定 – 好 我去确定一下
Might’ve been a person. I ain’t sure. – All right, let’s make sure.
不行 我们没时间了 回到上面去 快点
No, we haven’t got time. Get back up here. Come on.
中♥央♥塔台呼叫行控中心 佩勒姆 123 在动了!
Command Center, Pelham One Two Three’s in motion!
Where do you think they’re takin’ us now?!
别担心 他们会把我们都放了的!
Don’t worry, they’re gonna let us all go!
How do you know that?!
他们拿到钱了! 他们拿到要的东西了!
They got the money! They got what they want!
嘿 等等!等一下! 难道没人会算吗?
Wait a minute! Wait a minute! Can’t anybody count?
They all four got off!
There’s nobody drivin’ the fuckin’ train!
[man] Anybody in there?!
好了 没人
All right, all clear.
那好 大家都训练过
All right, then. You know the drill.
我们照顺序来 帽子
We do it by the numbers. Hats.
眼镜 – 什么训练 顺序…
Glasses. – Drills and numbers…
全都是狗屎啦 干嘛不直接了当地干?
This is all chickenshit. Why don’t we just do it?
好了 外套反穿
[Blue] All right, reverse coats.
佩勒姆 123在 阿斯特广场和布利克之间 正在加速
Pelham One Two Three ‘s between Astor Place and Bleecker. Speed’s increasing.
佩勒姆 123目前在 阿斯特广场和布利克之间 加速中
[Rico] Pelham One Two Three now between Astor Place and Bleecker.
这说不通 他们知道 我们在监看 并且会派人追踪他们
Doesn’t make any sense. They know we’re monitoring their position.
所以呢? – 所以笨死了
So? – So it’s dumb.
Huh, who said crooks were smart?
他们就很聪明 简直是无懈可击 是我们忽略了一些东西 督察长
But these have been smart. We’re overlookin’ somethin’, Inspector.
好 新帽子
OK. New hats.
好 杂♥志♥放在口袋里
[Blue] OK. Magazines in pockets.
I never knew these things went so fast!
We’re gonna be killed!
