-我就是 -晚安
-Speaking. -Good evening.
你不认识我 我姓费雪
You don’t know me. My name is Fisher.
I understand you have a car for sale.
-对 是辆美国车 -对 我在你修车厂看到了
-Yes, an American car. -Yes, I saw it at your garage.
-你开价多少? -一千一百
-How much are you asking? -Eleven hundred.
一千一百 我知道了 车是不错
Eleven hundred? I see. It certainly looks just the job for me.
I don’t like that price much.
I didn’t like it when I bought it.
-我们什么时候可以碰面呢? -明天下午行吗?
-Now, when can we meet? -Well, now, how about tomorrow afternoon?
我怕我抽不出空来 不 不成
I’m afraid I can’t manage that.
No, I can’t, and I’m going to Liverpool on Sunday.
I was rather hoping…
-你今晚能到我家吗? -是在那里呢?
-You couldn’t come to my flat tonight? -Where is it?
并不远 其实我该去看你的 只是我的膝盖扭得不轻
Maida Vale. I’d call on you, only I’ve twisted my knee rather badly.
我很难过 那你地址呢?
I’m sorry. Well, what’s your address?
-嘉伦顿公园路61A -柴瑞顿
-61 A Charrington Gardens. -Harrington?
不…嘉伦顿 地下道向左转
No. Charrington. Turn left at the underground.
-步行约两分钟 -我大约一小时内到
-It’s a two minutes’ walk. -I’ll be there in an hour.
那真太好了 还有… 你可以把车开来吗
That’s extremely good of you. By the way, will you bring the car?
-我怕不成 -那没关系 我已经仔细看过了
-I’m afraid I can’t. -Doesn’t matter. I had a good look at it.
You might bring the registration book and any necessary papers.
-当然可以 -假设你可以把价钱合理的降低
-Yes, of course. -We can settle this…
我看 咱们现在就可以在我这成交
here and now, provided you drop the price sufficiently.
不行 我怕那是不可能的
I’m afraid that’s out of the question.
总之 我们喝上几杯再看吧
Well, we’ll see what a couple of drinks can do.
-好了 再见了 -再见
-Well, goodbye. -Goodbye.
-费雪先生吗? -李斯盖特上尉吗?
-Mr. Fisher? -Captain Lesgate?
-对 -对 那请进吧
-Yes. -Won’t you come in?
Thank you.
It’s very good of you.
Let me have your coat.
-到这来不难找吧? -不难 一点也不难
-Have any difficulty finding your way? -No. None at all.
请坐 来杯酒如何?
Do sit down. How about a drink?
我禁不住要想 我以前在哪见过你
I can’t help thinking I’ve seen you before somewhere.
It’s funny you should mention that.
The moment I opened the door, l…
等一等 李斯盖特
Wait a minute. Lesgate?
你不是李斯盖特 史望 CJ史望
You’re not Lesgate. Swan. C.J. Swan.
-或是CA? -CA
-Or was it C.A.? -C.A.
总之 你的记性比我的好
Well, you’ve got a better memory than I have.
费雪 我们什么时候见过面的?
Fisher. When did we meet?
-你上过剑桥吗 -上过
-Weren’t you at Cambridge? -Yes.
Must be 20 years ago.
你不记得我了 我在你最后一年才来上学的
You wouldn’t remember me. I only came your last year.
-是呀 多巧啊 -没错 这值得特别喝上一杯的
-Well, what a coincidence. -Yes, this calls for a special drink.
I was planning to palm you off with an indifferent port.
But let’s see what we have here.
-喝这一瓶怎样 -太好了
-How about this? -Perfect.
还有 你怎么知道我要卖♥♥♥车♥呢?
So how do you know my car’s for sale?
Your garage told me.
Odd. I don’t think I mentioned it to them.
I got a fill-up and told them I wanted an American car.
他们就给了我你的电♥话♥ 我是说 车是要卖♥♥吧
They gave me your phone number. I say, it is for sale, isn’t it?
-当然 -那好 不过在你喝三杯白兰地前
-Of course. -Good, but I refuse to discuss the price…
-我是拒绝讨论价钱的 -但是我警告你
-until you’ve had three brandies. -I warn you…
-不管我醉或清醒 我是很会讨价的 -我也是
-I drive a hard bargain, drunk or sober. -So do I.
是啊 从我们离开剑桥之后 我一定在那见过你
I think I must have seen you somewhere since we left Cambridge.
Ever been to Wimbledon?
就是了 温地斯 东尼温地斯
That’s it. Wendice. Tony Wendice.
-费雪又是怎么回事? -李斯盖特又是怎么回事?
-What’s all this about Fisher? -What’s all this about Lesgate?
Would you like a cigar?
不要 谢了 我还是抽我的烟斗
No, thanks. I’ll just stick to my pipe.
That’s one habit you’ve changed.
我记得在大学时 你总是抽相当贵的雪茄
I remember, at college, you always used to smoke rather expensive cigars.
等等 我想我在那有你的照片
Wait a minute, I think I have a picture of you here somewhere.
对了 这就有一张
Yes. Here’s one.
Taken at a reunion dinner.
那就是你 咬着一支大雪茄
There you are with the biggest cigar in the business.
That’s the first and last reunion I ever went to.
-我看来真像是个冷血的刺客呢 -没错 是相当像
-What a murderous thug I look. -Yes, you do rather.
当然 因为大学舞会我总记得你
Of course, I always remember you because of the college ball.
你是总务股长 对不对?
You were the treasurer, weren’t you?
荣誉总务股长 我通常总是安排这些活动的
Honorary treasurer. I used to organize the beastly things.
对 有些活动的票钱被偷了对吧
Some of the ticket money was stolen, wasn’t it?
没错 几乎有一百英磅
That’s right. Almost £100.
我把钱放在我书房♥的现金箱里的 到了早上钱不见了
I’d left it in a cashbox in my study, and in the morning, it had gone.
-当然是大学门房♥干的 -当然 可怜的老阿弗雷德
-It was the college porter, of course. -Yes. Poor old Alfred.
He never could back a winner.
-他们在他后院找到了现金箱 -可是没有找到钱
-They found the cashbox in his back garden. -But not the money.
-廿年前的事了 -这些日子你从事什么呀?
-Twenty years ago. -What are you doing nowadays?
我在搞房♥地♥产♥ 我不太留意网球
I deal in property. I don’t follow tennis very closely.
-你还打吗 -不 我放弃了网球
-Do you still play? -No, I’ve given it up.
或是网球放弃了我 日子总得过
Rather, tennis gave me up. One has to earn a living sometime.
我把我的钱处理得还可以 环球旅游了三次
And I had a pretty good run for my money. Went round the world three times.
-你现在干嘛呢 -卖♥♥运动器材
-What are you doing now? -I sell sports equipment.
利润不很高 但有空闲时间
It’s not very lucrative, but it gives me plenty of spare time.
I see you manage to run a very comfortable little place.
My wife has some money of her own.
不然 那有钱花一千磅买♥♥你车呢
Otherwise, I should hardly feel like blowing £1000 on your car.
Eleven hundred.
People with capital don’t realize how lucky they are.
I’m almost resigned to living on what I can earn.
反正 你总可以为钱而结婚呀
You can always marry for money.
没错 我想有人就这么做呢
Yes, I suppose some people make a business out of that.
-我知道我就是 -她为什么嫁你呢
-I know I did. -Why do you think she married you?
Well, I was a tennis star.
而你放弃网球 而她并没有离开你
Yes, but you’ve given up tennis. She hasn’t left you.
She nearly did.
在我们婚后 我每次参加大赛
After we were married, I played in championships…
and took Margot with me.
她不很喜欢 等我回来之后
She didn’t like it, and when we got back…
she tried to make me give up tennis and play husband instead.
In the end, we compromised.
I went alone to America for the grass-court season…
and returned after the national championships.
不久我就了解了 我不在时发生了很多事情
I soon realized a lot had happened while I was away.
For one thing, she wasn’t in love with me anymore.
如果我偶然的必须走进屋里 通话中的电♥话♥会突然中止
There were phone calls which would end abruptly if I happened to walk in.
There was an old school friend who used to visit from time to time.
有一天 我们吵了架
One day, we had a row.
I wanted to play in a covered-court tournament…
和平时一样 她不要我去
and, as usual, she didn’t want me to go.
我在卧房♥里 电♥话♥铃响了
I was in the bedroom. The phone rang.
It all sounded pretty urgent.
在这之后 她像是很热心的要我去参加比赛
After that, she seemed rather keen that I play in the tournament.
所以我就把球具装上车 开车走了
So I packed my kit into the car and drove off.
我把车停在两条街以外 又顺原路走了回来
I parked the car two streets away, walked back in my tracks.
十分钟后 她从屋里出来 并上了计程车
Ten minutes later, she came out of this house and took a taxi.
I took another.
她的老校友 住在柴西一工作室里
Her old school friend lived in a studio in Chelsea.
I could see them through the studio window
as he cooked spaghetti over a gas range.
他们话说得不多 他们在一起看来非常自然
They didn’t say much. They just looked very natural together.
你能看出来人们是在恋爱中 实在是件好玩的事
You know, it’s funny how you can tell when people are in love.
I went for a walk.
然后不知道 如果她离开我会怎样
I began to wonder what would happen if she left me.
I’d have to find some way of earning a living, to begin with.
突然之间我了解到 我有多依赖她
I suddenly realized how much I’d grown to depend on her.
所有的这些 我需要的高品味享受
All these expensive tastes I’d acquired while I was at the top.
