and they’re trying to control the streets.
我们不知道他们是谁 从哪里来的
We don’t know who they are or where they come from.
We do know that they are scum.
我们的职责就是找到他们并 消灭他们
And it is ourjob to find them and bust them.
你们都是在最健全的法律和最新的 技术下受过训练的
You’ve all received training in the latest techniques in urban law enforcement.
你们谁有什么特殊能力是 我不知道的
Any of you have any special skills that I should know about?
我刚学会如何用一把牛排刀来 做紧急气管切开手术 长官
I just learned to perform an emergency tracheotomy with a steak knife, sir.
那么你们这些专业学校毕业的小子要拯救这个地区 对不对
So these academy rats are gonna save the precinct, right?
嗨 我个人希望 上尉 他们全都栽跟头
Hey, personally, lieutenant, I hope they fall flat on their asses.
-你知道这个是可以办到的 -什么意思
-That could be arranged, you know. -What do you mean?
如果他们失败了 拉赛德就出局 那么我就是指挥了
If they fail, Lassard’s out. That makes me the captain.
如果我当了上尉 我需要一个新的监督人
If I’m captain, I’ll need a new watch commander.
-那么可以保证他们失败 -谁
-So we make sure they fail. -Who?
-那些新兵 -为什么
-The new recruits. -Why?
如果他们失败了 拉赛德就走了 那我就可以来了
If they fail, Lassard is out. I’m in.
I’m gonna need somebody to be the new watch commander.
-哦 -你知道这个人是谁
-Oh. -And you know who that’s gonna be.
-你 -你呀 白♥痴♥ 你
-Who? -You, dickhead. You.

哦 好主意
Oh, good idea.
-你不会玩一副牌的 是吗 -嗯 我不打牌的
-Not playing with a full deck, are you? -Oh, I don’t play cards.
我要这里成为本市最棒的 低犯罪率小区
I want this to be the best damn Crime Suppression Unit in the city.
I want us to stand proud and walk tall.
More than anything…
我还要这里变成 唔
I want this to be, well…
one big family…
with a bunch of brothers and little sister…
and one big mother.
醒醒 我是你的监督人
Wake up! I am your watch commander.
当你想搞糟的时候 你就会搞糟的
When you foul up, and you will foul up…
I’m gonna be there to write up a report.
三床的报告 你被停职了
Three bad reports, and you’re suspended.
-你叫什么 -胡克斯 长官
-What is your name? -Hooks, sir.
-再说一遍 -胡克斯
-Say that again. -Hooks.
胡克斯 好 胡克斯警官 我可以看看你的警枪吗
Hooks. Well, Officer Hooks, can I please see your service revolver?
Don’t point that gun at me.
-子弹又没有上膛 -我怕它会走火
-There’s no round in the chamber. -I was afraid it might go off.
哦 天哪 是可能走火的 这个是给胡克斯的
Oh, heavens to be! It might go off! That’s one for Hooks.
你在写报告 看看怎么样了 这个绝对简单
You’re on report. See how it works? It’s real simple.
This squad deploys each day at 1000 hours.
Precisely 1000 hours.
Since you boys and girls are only rookies…
you will be assigned a veteran officer…
who will write up a report.
好的 看一下这个任务
Okay, read the assignments.
-法克勒 -是 长官
-Fackler! -Yes, sir.
法克勒警官 你右边的这位先生 是杜雷警官
Officer Fackler. The gentleman on your right is Officer Dooley.
一个好人 他会教你许多东西
A fine man. He’s gonna teach you a lot.
-泰克布雷 -是 长官 长官
-Tackleberry? -Yes, sir, sir!
泰克布雷警官 你是受训执行摩托车任务的
Officer Tackleberry. You’re trained for motorcycle duty?
是 长官
Yes, sir!
好的 到摩托营去找科克蓝德警官
You’ve got it. Meet Officer Kirkland at the motor pool.
-多谢 长官 -好 去吧 耶 走 走 走 走
-Thank you, sir! -Well, get going. Yeah! Go, go, go, go.
-高塔 -唷
-Hightower. -Yo!
-唷 -唷 长官
-Yo? -Yo, sir.
唷 长官 肯定是从南方来的 是”是 长官”
Yo, sir! Must be from the South. It’s, “Yes, sir.”
你是巡逻的 好的 是这样了
You got foot patrol. Okay, that’s it.
-谢谢你们的耐心 -那我呢 我没有一辆车吗
-Thank you for your patience. -What about me? Don’t I get a car?
“那我呢 我没有一辆车吗”
“What about me, sir? Don’t I get a car?”
你不能等到一辆车 你得到一个漂亮的桌子
You don’t get a car. You get yourself a nice little desk…
和一把漂亮的椅子 在一个漂亮的办公室里 为你美丽的嗓音
with a nice little chair, in a nice little office, for your nice little voice.
-混♥蛋♥ -是2个
-Asshole. -That’s two.
胸围 48
Chest, 48.
腰围 44
Waist, 44.
-裤长 39 -嗨 我可以要那只长颈鹿吗
-Outseam, 39. -Hey, can I have that giraffe?
-不行 -哦
-No. -Oh.
I got an idea.
-给你一个巧克力怎么样 -给你吧
-How’s about for a Snickers bar? -You got it.
Oh. Thanks.
总共 48
Overall, 48.
Please take off your gun belt.
胸围 37
Chest, 37.
腰围 32 好 转过去
Waist, 32. Okay, turn around.
Please be gentle.
琼斯 我就知道你要做个坏蛋
Jones, got you figured for an asshole.
我不想被你们取笑 我不想开始
I don’t take shit from you people. I’m not gonna start.
不要想 不要说话 不要呼吸 除非我加你这么做 懂吗
Don’t think, don’t talk, don’t breathe unless I tell you. Understand?
-是 长官 -好的
-Yes, sir. -All right.
We’re gonna get along just fine.
-你听到了吗 -没有 长官
-Did you hear that? -No, sir.
见鬼 我们的一个胎爆了 出去查查你那边
Doggone it! We got ourselves a flat tire. Get out and check your side.
我的没事 你的呢
Mine’s okay. How’s yours?
没事 长官
Fine, sir.
There it goes again.
警官尤金 泰克布雷 报告情况 长官
Officer Eugene Tackleberry reporting for duty, sir!
凯丝琳 科克蓝德警官
Officer Kathleen Kirkland…
and I appreciate you not calling me sir.
好的 带好你的装备 科克蓝德 我们走
All right. Mount up, Tackleberry. Let’s go.
哦 这附近不是很糟糕
Oh, this neighborhood ain’t so bad.
You know the secret to being a good cop?
You gotta get to know the people.
-唷 你 有火柴吗 -有 这儿 拿着吧
-Yo, man, you got a match? -Sure. Here. Keep the pack.
-谢谢你 -好 非常好
-Thank you. -Good. Very good!
这就是关键 小子 你要先和 大家之间建立信任
That’s the idea, son. You gotta build up trust with the people.
然后他们就会尊敬你 知道我的意思了吗
Then they’ll respect you. Know what I mean?
-嗯 -给我2个甜甜圈
-Mm-hm. -Give me two of them glazed doughnuts.
I’ll have a chocolate.
对不起 长官 警官凯里 马奥尼 来汇报情况 长官
Excuse me, sir. Officer Carey Mahoney reporting for duty, sir.
马奥尼警官 很高兴你能来这里走走
Oh, Officer Mahoney. It’s nice of you to drop by.
-我早就想念你了 -去弄一件新的制♥服♥
-I missed you earlier. -Had to get a new uniform.
哦 好 好 不能裸着去见公众啊 是不是
Oh, good. Good. We can’t face the public naked, can we?
是啊 我们的手铐要挂哪里
That’s right. Where would we hang our handcuffs?
真可爱 我喜欢一个有幽默感的警官
That’s cute. I like an officer with a sense of humor.
我也喜欢你 长官
I like you too, sir.
我真羡慕一个人不怕丑的 这样用牙线
I admire a guy who’s not ashamed to floss.
你知道 长官 口腔卫生是很多 大城市的警♥察♥不注意的问题
You know, sir, oral hygiene is something too many big-city cops overlook.

哦 好 好 那你很讲卫生啦 哼
Oh, good. Good. So you like hygiene, huh?
Then you’re gonna like your new partner:
文尼 斯图曼警官
Officer Vinnie Schtulman.
喂 喂
Hello? Hello?
-喂 -你是谁
-Hello. -Who is it?
凯里 马奥尼 你的新搭档
Carey Mahoney, your new partner.
-快进来 快进来 -谢谢
-Come on in. Come on in. -Thanks.
-就当这里是自己家一样 -好的 好的
-Make yourself at home. -Alrighty. Alrighty.
-不要坐那个坏椅子 -哦 我知道 我看到了 看到了
-Don’t sit in the broken chair. -Right. I got it. I saw it. I saw it.
-你要点什么早餐吗 我有鸡蛋 -不
-Would you like breakfast? I got eggs. -No.
我不要了 我迟点再吃 大概是破伤风
I’m fine. I’ll get something later. Tetanus shot, maybe.
-你这里真是太棒了 -多谢 是我自己装饰的
-This is an excellent place you got here. -Thanks. I decorated it myself.
-嗨 文尼 斯图曼 -我手上有花生酱
-Hey! Vinnie Schtulman. -I got peanut butter on my hand.
-我喜欢花生酱 -马奥尼 很高兴见到你
-I like peanut butter. -Mahoney. Nice to meet you.
嗨 我吃得很快可以吗
Hey, would it be okay if I eat real quick?
-行 没事 -谢谢
-Yeah, go ahead. -Thanks.
除了午餐和晚餐 早餐是一天 里最重要的一餐了
Next to lunch and dinner, breakfast is the most important meal of the day.
哦 天哪 朋克
Oh, jeez. Bunky.
朋克 我告诉过你多少次了 这是垃圾盒 垃圾盒
Bunky, how many times I gotta tell you? The litter box! The litter box!
-你肯定你不想要一点吗 -我在减肥
-You sure you don’t want any? -I’m on a diet.
-要我把门锁上吗 -不 邻居可能会来借东西
-Want me to lock the door? -No, neighbors might borrow something.

一个人,一本书,一部电影,还是一段音乐 ♪ ♩ ♫ ♬ 在世界的某个角落, 总有什么能触动你的心灵; 在世界的某个角落, 总有和你一样的人。
