But he could.
-他是对的 -不
-He’s right. -No.
You’re young enough.
该死 你甚至像一个小马匹精
Hell, you even look like one of the little creeps.
-他在说一个电视节目 -马奥尼 真♥相♥在这里
-He’s talking about a television show. -Mahoney, here’s the deal.
现在 我不能付你工资 甚至开支也不能给你
Now, I can’t pay you a salary, can’t even give you expenses.
如果你自己身陷泥潭的话 我可不会拉你出来
If you get yourself in a jam, I might not be able to bail you out.
-可能很危险 -你可能会死
-Could be dangerous. -You could get killed.
He’s right.
Sounds awfully tempting.
走开 他会叫你回去
Get out of there! He’ll call you back!
我说 他会叫你回去
I said, he’ll call you back!
-嗨 你 嗨 你 你在干什么 -啊
-Hey, man! Hey, man, what you doing? -Ah!
-没什么 -你为什么要那样对电♥话♥
-Nothing. -Why’d you mess up the phone?
我喜欢 不要坐那么近
I felt like it. Don’t sit so close!
-我是弗兰克 这是我的人魔酒 -他们叫你什么
-I’m Flacko. This is my man Mojo. -What do they call you, man?
-笨蛋 笨蛋 -我和魔酒 我们和卑鄙的人在一起
-Jughead!Jughead! -Me and Mojo, we’re with the Scullions.
-谁和你在一起 -阿齐斯 阿齐斯
-Who do you run with? -The Archies. The Archies.
-我从没听说过阿齐斯 -曾经是福特帕克斯
-I ain’t never heard of no Archies. -Used to be the Fudpuckers.
-哦 我知道一点关于福特帕克斯 -不要压你的运气
-Yeah, I think I know some Fudpuckers. -Don’t press your luck!
-嗨 你该和我们在一起 -嗯 好 为什么
-Hey, you should be with us. -Oh, yeah? Why?
-因为我们是最差的 -你们才是最差的
-Because we the baddest. -You the baddest.
-我这样才能成为一颗青葱 -是卑鄙的人 不是青葱
-How do I get to be a Scallion? -Scullion, not Scallion.
有什么区别 你很幸运和我坐在一起
What’s the difference? You’re lucky you’re sitting with me.
别担心 我们会让你进来
We get you in.
有人来了 小心你的脚 他要踩过去
Here comes the Man. Watch your feet, he’s gonna run them over.
好 我的 我的
Well, my, my.
喂 你 你们怎么样
Hello. What are you boys up to, huh?
Know anything about destruction of property?
-嗨 我们什么也没做 -哦 你们没有 哦 看那儿
-Man, we ain’t done nothing. -Oh, you ain’t? Oh, my, look at that.
叫他们靠墙站 还有你 奇科
Put them against the wall. You too, chico.
快 爬过来 把腿分开
Come on, get over there! Spread your legs!
Come on!
你在做什么啊 快点 分开他们
What do you think you’re doing? Come on! Spread them!
别的 别的 闭嘴 出来
Don’t move! Don’t move! Shut up! Get out of the car.
到这里来 扔掉你的枪 我们现在来放松一下
Come over here. Toss out your gun. Now we’re gonna have a little fun.
知道我的意思吗 放松一下 现在你分开他们 分开他们
Know what I mean? A little fun. Now you spread them. You spread them.
-踢他 耶 踢他 -哦
-Now kick him. Yeah, kick him. -Ow!
你喜欢吗 再踢一次 重一点
You like that? Kick him again. And harder.
-你疯了 -你喜欢吗 拿着 拿着 嗨 琼斯
-You’re crazy. -You like that? Hold it. Hey, Jones.
就是这个 就是这个 好的 离开那辆车
That’s it, that’s it, that’s it. All right. Now get away from the car.
Get away from the car.
他是谁 他是在骂我们吗 也许我们也要回敬他
Who’s this guy? This guy giving us lip? Maybe we should give him a little lip.
你喜欢吗 再来一点
You like that? How about some more?
嗨 出来 出来
Hey, get out of here. Get out of here.
希望你们还好 长官 你怎么看
Hope you’re all right, sir. What do you think?
漂亮 宝贝
Beautiful, baby.
-这个小女孩 过来 祖恩 -这是我弟弟布得
-There’s the little girl. Come, June. -This is my big brother, Bud.
-嘿 妈妈 -嘿 布得
-Hi, Mom. -Hi, Bud.
-嘿 小姑娘 -哦 爸爸
-Hi, little girl. -Daddy!
-你要离开爸爸吗 -这是尤金
-So you’re gonna leave Daddy? -This is Eugene.
嗨 泰克布雷
Hi, Tackleberry.
-做得好 -我最好看看烤得怎样
-Good grip. -I better check the roast.
好 看看烤肉 甜心
Yeah, check the roast, sweetheart!
嗨 过来 坐下
Hey, come on. Sit down.

我的小妹妹告诉我 你们在自我防御
My little girl here tells me that you’re into self-defense.
-很正确 长官 -好 好的
-That’s quite correct, sir. -Yeah, well…
I was in the South Pacific back in ’44, in the Seabees.
Daddy was middleweight champion in the Seabees.
我以前很会拳击 我的儿子也是
I used to be pretty good at boxing, but my boy is pretty good too.
He was on the high school championship team.
-哼 -好吧
-Huh? -Yeah.
-但是我可以打败他 对吗 -我不知道 爸爸 别担心
-But I can still take him, right? -I don’t know, Dad. Take it easy.
-不要这样 -我不认为 爸爸
-Come on! -I don’t think so, Dad.
快 快
Come on. Come on.
-哦 你是对的 爸爸 -嗨 不错 是吧
-Oh, you all right, Dad? -Hey, pretty good, huh?
-对不起孩子 还好吗 -还好
-I’m sorry, kid, huh? It’s all right, huh? -It’s all right.

哦 哦 哦
Oh! Oh. Oh.
-你还好吧 -好 那是
-Are you all right? -Good, huh? That was…
你们不要玩了 过来吃饭 晚饭准备好了
You boys stop that foolishness and come to the table. Dinner’s ready!
当他们俩开始的时候 他们只是两个小孩
When these two start at it, they’re just a couple of kids.
你说什么 去吃点东西
What do you say? Go have some chow, huh?
Aren’t they sweet?
队长 你是否可以给他录音 越高越好
Captain, if you could tape this on him as high as you can.
-你哪里弄来的这个 -我做的
-Where did you get this thing? -I built it.
-为什么他说”麦克风先生”-没问题 我改动了少少
-Why does it say “Mr. Microphone”? -It’s okay. I made a few modifications.
好的 长官 长官 有点紧
All right, okay. Sir! Sir, it’s a little tight.
-啊 -对不起 好 等等
-Ah! -Sorry. Okay, hold on.
好了 看 今晚他们带我去见黑帮 的首领 老大
Look. Tonight, they’re taking me to meet the leader of the gang, the head guy.
不错 只要这个开着 我们就可以听到每个字 是吗
That’s good. As long as this is on, we’ll hear every word, right?
-对 -帮我一个忙 也算帮你自己
-Right. -Do me a favor, and yourself.
Just try to drop a hint now and then as to where you are…
那么我们就可以跟踪你了 好吗
so we can sort of keep track of you, okay?
-长官 -怎么
-Sir? -Yeah.
-你肯定这能行吗 -不要担心了
-You sure this is gonna work? -Will you stop worrying?
马夫雷秋千 是家庭式的
Mumphrey swings. And it’s a home run!
是偶尔的吗 轻轻的推一下
Does that every once in a while. Just give it a tap.
-嗨 -好的
-Hey! -All right.
好的 嗨 该你了
All right. Hey, it’s your shot.
对不起 嗨 好车啊
Sorry. Hey, hey, great car.
-哪里买♥♥的 -进来
-Where’d you buy it? -Get in.
-好 -坐后面
-All right. -In the back.
-后面 -快点 我们走
-In the back. -Come on, let’s go.
嗨 很热啊 把你的外套脱了
Hey, man, it’s hot. Take off your coat.
不 不 不 我很好 我很好
No, no, no. I’m fine. I’m fine.
-我喜欢热 -靠 靠
-I like hot. -Damn. Damn!
Where we going?
That’s for me to know, you to find out.
好 好 我猜弗兰克是对的 是
Right, right. I just like to drive. Right.
-等你见到赛得后 -赛得
-Wait until you meet Zed. -Zed?
-是 他是好人 -他不好
-He’s the man. -He’s bad.
嗨 他是最好的
Hey, he’s the best.
-马奥尼 跟我说 -长官 他听不到你
-Mahoney, talk to me. -Sir, he can’t hear you.
我知道 斯图曼
I know that, Schtulman.
嗨 你要去南部吗
Hey, are we going south?
Because I got a lot of enemies down South.
耶 好
Yeah, man. Yeah, man.
我喜欢 我喜欢 我不知道我在哪里 我喜欢
I like it, man. I like it. I don’t know where I am. I like it.
哎 我们有新朋友了 朋友
Yo, we got a friend. A friend.
好的 好的
All right, all right.
我喜欢 我喜欢 知道我什么意思吗 我喜欢 好吧
I like it. I like it. You know what I mean? I like it. All right.
-这是哪儿 -这里本来是放熊的
-What is this place? -It’s where they kept the bears.
哦 是吗 好 熊在哪里
Oh, yeah? Well, where are the bears?
哦 好 熊 也许我该回去了 弄点东西吃
Yeah, right. Bears. Maybe I should go home, get something to eat.
喂 伙计 嗨 很高兴见到你 很漂亮 很漂亮
Oh, hi, fella. Hi, nice to see you. Nice shades. Nice shades.
哦 桥不错 有点摇
Oh, nice bridge. Little shaky.
嗨 我喜欢这里 我真的喜欢
Hey, I like this place. I really like it.
-他的家 -哦 家 我喜欢 我喜欢
-He’s home. -Yeah, home. I like it, I like it.
很多台阶 墙上有很多涂画 像个洞穴
Lot of big steps, lot of graffiti on the wall. A cavelike atmosphere.
就像打火石 福瑞得和维尔马在哪
Just like The Flintstones. Where’s Fred and Wilma?
-他很酷 -你在我的生活里
-He’s cool. -Where you been all my life?
不是现在 也许以后
Don’t get fresh. Maybe later.
I’m in trouble.
好地方啊 看上去像跳蚤市场 我昨天去购物了
What a place! Looks like a flea market. I went shopping yesterday.
我们是同一个理发师 你被弄得头疼
We got the same barber. You get a headache from that?
You’ll be awfully lonely sleeping without Mrs. Beasley.
-我知道 -赛得
-I know. -Zed?

一个人,一本书,一部电影,还是一段音乐 ♪ ♩ ♫ ♬ 在世界的某个角落, 总有什么能触动你的心灵; 在世界的某个角落, 总有和你一样的人。
