No, we barely had enough to scrape by on, l reckon.
他们都还在吗 你的家人
Your folks still around?
My mother’s dead.
我的爸爸也许还活着 可是他根本不想管我
My daddy’s still around but he don’t want to have nothing to do with me.
-你怎么知道 -因为他从来都不管我
-How do you know? -He never did want to.
我想 他也许并没有什么改变
l figure he probably ain’t changed his mind much.
How’d your mama die?
You don’t need to hear things like that.
You just a boy.
你还是应该想些好的事情 因为你还是个小孩
You need to think good thoughts while you still a boy.
There’s lots of time for all the other.
自从爸爸死了 我就常想些坏的事情
l had bad thoughts since Daddy died.
有时候我真希望我还是个小不点 他还在我身边
Sometimes l wish l was still little and he was still here.
我妈妈很好 可我还想有个父亲
Mama’s real good, but l wish l had both of them.
We went to Memphis in the car once.
雨下得特别大 我们根本看不清路
lt was raining so hard we couldn’t see the road…
但是我一点都不害怕 因为我想 只要是爸爸开车
but l wasn’t scared because as long as Daddy was driving…
nothing could happen to us.
That’s the way l feel about Mama now.
Mama has a boyfriend now.
His name is Doyle Hargraves.
他是搞建筑的 所以收入很不错
He works construction so he makes a pretty good living…
but he don’t help Mama out with any money.
他不是好人 他对妈妈很小器 也不怎么喜欢我
He ain’t no good. He’s mean to her. He don’t like me at all.
妈妈说那是他妒嫉 因为我属于爸爸而不属于他
Mama says he’s jealous because l belong to my daddy.
他有时候在我们家过夜 他自己还有房♥子
He spends the night at our house and he’s got his own house.
有人告诉我 那里住了他好几个女朋友
Somebody told me this way he can have more girlfriends.
l like the nights he’s not there.
l ain’t so nervous then.
How come she’s still being girlfriends
with him if he’s mean to her?
She says it’s for the times he’s good to her.
爸爸死了以后 她觉得很孤独
She’s lonely since Daddy died.
有时候她说 她也不知道是为什么
Sometimes she don’t know why.
他威胁妈妈说 离开他就杀了她
He threatened to kill her if she left him.
My daddy would kill him
爸爸还活着的话 一定会杀了他的
if he was here and somebody was mean to Mama.
Vaughan’s real good to Mama.
Vaughan that you met?
可他不会对多利怎么样的 你知道他很有趣
But he’s not able to do anything to Doyle. He’s funny.
不是那种夸张的 是有点怪的
Not “funny,” ha-ha. “Funny,” queer.
He likes to go with men.
所以他不会打架 但他还是很好的
That makes him not able to fight good, but he sure is nice.
他是从路易斯安纳州来的 那儿的人都怪怪的
He’s from St. Louis. Queer people get along better in a big town.
l wish he like to go with women.
l’d rather him be Mama’s boyfriend than Doyle.
卡尔 你还记得我告诉你 我爸爸是被火车撞死的吗
Karl, remember l told you Daddy got hit by a train?
是的 先生 我想起来了
Yes, sir, l recollect that.
那不是真的 事实上他是用枪把自己打死了
lt ain’t the truth. He shot himself with a shotgun on purpose.
How come him do that?
Because he didn’t have enough money
to take care of us like he wanted to.
That’s what the letter said.
他被解雇了 而又找不到工作
He got laid off of work and did odd jobs.
l thought he took care of us just fine.
卡尔 你真的杀过人吗
Karl, did you really kill somebody?
是的 我杀过
Yes, sir, l did.
-你杀了谁 -两个人
-Who’d you kill? -Two people.
-他们都是坏人吗 -我觉得他们是
-Were they bad people? -l thought they was.
Maybe they needed it.
l growed up and learned that
you ain’t supposed to kill nobody.
可如果为了保护自己 是可以的 那叫作自卫
lt’s okay if you’re protecting yourself, if it’s self-defense.
Was it self-defense?
My daddy was good.
l think too many good people die.
That’s what l think.
卡尔 你真的想和他们住一起吗
You sure you wanna stay with these folks?
我们还是很欢迎你住在这儿 你工作起来很方便
You’re welcome to stay here. lt’s working out good.
That boy wants me to.
那好吧 我们明早再见
All right, then. l’ll see you bright and early.
How’s that garden tiller coming?
我修好了 它们现在一点问题都没有
l fixed it. lt’s working pretty good now.
你已经修好了 真该死
You done fixed it? l’ll be damned.
Scooter told me it couldn’t be fixed.
Of course, Scooter’s about as shiftless as one poor son-of-a-bitch can be.
你居然修好了 我真是该死
You done fixed it. Well, l’ll just be damned.
-好吧 明天见 -那好吧
-l’ll see you tomorrow. -All right, then.
好吧 我也不想跟你废话了 我可不想在这儿待下去
l don’t guess l’ll give a shit, then. l ain’t here that much.
如果你让一个傻子住在车♥库♥里 那是你的事
lf you want a retard living in your garage, that’s your business.
我还有一些工具留在那儿 我可不想它们被偷了
l do got some tools l’d rather not have stoled.
l could take those home with me.
可他真的很老实 他不会偷东西的
He’s real honest. He wouldn’t steal nothing.
弗兰克 我现在不是在跟你说话
Frankie, l wasn’t talking to you, was l?
-知道 先生 -这样就对了
-No, sir. -“No, sir” is right.
我在跟你妈妈说话 这是她的决定 不是你的
l was talking to your mama. lt’s her decision, not yours.
如果我答应了 也是因为你妈妈
lf l let it go on, it’s because she asked me, not you.
这傻子是不是那种爱流口水 头发上粘着口香糖的
Does this retard drool and rub shit in his hair and all that?
要是那样的话 让我倒胃口
l’m going to have a hard time eating around that kind of thing.
Just like with antique furniture and midgets.
l can’t so much as drink a glass of water
around a midget or an antique.
多利你不能这样说话 你说话太过分了
Doyle, you’re awful. You shouldn’t be that way.
l ain’t saying it’s right.
我只是告诉你这个该死的事实 它让我觉得恶心
lt’s just the truth. He’ll make me sick.
-What was he in the nut house for?
-He’s just retarded, l guess.
不 他必须给我滚 随便去哪儿
No, he had of gone nuts and did something.
哪有单是智力问题 就被关在那样的病房♥里
A lot of retards running around that ain’t locked up in the nut house.
好好想想吧 琳达
Think about it, Linda.
You know what he done, Frank?
-我不太清楚 -好吧 也许你会发现
-l ain’t sure. -You ought a want to find out.
他曾经用斧子 把家里人砍成肉酱什么的
He might have hacked his family to pieces with a hatchet or something.
弗兰克 你最好问清楚
Frank, you’d better ask him.
注意别伤害他的感受 不过最好了解具体一点
Don’t hurt his feelings, but it would be good to know.
我估计没什么事 他看上去挺善良的
l’m sure it’s nothing. He seems sweet.
You’re all hung up on people being sweet.
他很善良 每个人都很善良
He’s sweet. Everybody’s sweet.
说到善良 你的那位女朋友呢
Speaking of sweet, where’s your girlfriend?
-我记得你说过他要来 -他过一会儿就来
-l thought he was coming over. -He’ll be here in a while.
-他说给我送一盒冰淇淋过来 -这也算善良吗
-We’re going for ice cream. -Now ain’t that sweet.
想着你和一个同性恋跑来跑去 叫我怎么喝得下酒
What do l do about supper while you’re running around with that fag?
这跟你有什么关系 你喝你的呗
You’re not crippled. Go make something.
我说什么 你都要顶撞我
Talking back and everything, aren’t you?
That makes me horny.
弗兰克 回你自己的房♥间玩去
Frank, go and play in your room,
if Doyle’s going to talk nasty.
-我不想回到自己的房♥间玩 -他不想回就让他坐在这
-l don’t want to go play. -He don’t want to. Let him stay.
我们像一家人一样 等你的傻瓜朋友
Let’s be a family till your mentally retarded
and homosexual friends arrive.
什么事 先生
Yes, sir?
You’re really going to stay here.
That boy wants me to.
Have you knocked yet?
-没有 我没敲 -你站在这里多久了
-No, sir, l ain’t. -How long have you been here?
Quite a spell, l reckon.
Before you get used to staying here,
we need to talk about a few things.
Can l take you to lunch?
l done ate a little bit ago.
