I won’t have my mind befuddled by chemicals
When I’m the only one who sees the whole picture for exactly what it is.
Where’s the goddamn vodka?
博里斯 我明天还要见客户
Boris, I have clients to see tomorrow morning.
-现在是凌晨4点 -客户 银行家 有钱人
– It is 4:00 A. M.! – Clients. right. Wealthy bankers.
To design their chic apartment,
To fill it full of art and expensive possessions,
So they can flaunt their money
在这个到处是耻辱 暴♥力♥ 偏见 文盲
And be in the top 1% of this shameful, violent, prejudiced,
Illiterate, sexually repressed, self-righteous nation!
现在是凌晨4点 能不能别高谈阔论了
Christ, it is 4:00 A. M. can you spare me this sophomoric tirade!
我世界观很开阔 周围到处都是细菌
I’m a man with a huge worldview. I’m surrounded by microbes!
那我呢 我是细菌吗 我们读耶鲁的儿子是吗
And what about me? Am I a microbe? Is our son at Yale a microbe?
面对事实吧 杰西卡
Let’s face it, Jessica, okay?
Our marriage hasn’t been a garden of roses.
从植物学上来讲 你顶多是棵捕蝇草
Botanically speaking, you’re more of a venus flytrap.
You are a very difficult man to live with.
-所以你搞婚外情 -我哪有婚外情
– Is that why you had an affair? – I didn’t have an affair.
It was a brief interlude of infidelity,
and it happened years ago. You still can’t forget it!
I see everything so clearly now. everything!
-娶你就是个错误 -你什么意思
– I married you for all the wrong reasons. – What’s that supposed to mean?
你才华横溢 而我只想找个人聊天
You’re brilliant. I wanted someone to talk to.
你喜欢古典音乐 喜欢艺术 喜欢文学
You loved classical music, you loved art, you loved literature.
喜欢性♥爱♥ 喜欢我!
You loved sex! you loved me!
Those sound like pretty good reasons to me!
是 绝对不赖 但这就是问题所在!
Yes! exactly! that’s the problem! that’s the problem!
一切都太理性了 太有逻辑了
It was rational, it made sense!
I don’t know what went wrong.
When you examine it, there is so much right about us.
On paper we’re ideal.
But life isn’t on paper.
博里斯 你要干什么
Boris? Boris, what are you doing?
Close the window!
我掉到天蓬上了 你信吗 该死的天蓬!
Can you believe I hit the canopy? I hit the goddamn canopy.
在医院几个月 那帮蠢蛋医生
Months in the hospital! Moron doctors!
瞧瞧我这条腿 我以前不瘸!
Look. look at this limp.I never had a limp before.
我和杰西卡离婚了 搬到市区 辞了职
Meanwhile, I divorced Jessica, moved downtown and gave up.
I eke out a meager living teaching chess to incompetent zombies.
将军 你个笨蛋
Checkmate, you little patzer.
叶先生 他才8岁
Hey! he’s only 8 years old, Mr. Yellnikoff.
You’re supposed to be teaching him…
He’ll be an incompetent idiot at 58.
重要的不是我怎样活 而是我为何苟延残喘
More important than how I make my living, is why I bother to live at all.
晚上 我睡不着就到莫特大街上闲晃
Nights, I have trouble sleeping and hang out on mott street,
Trying to explain to cretins that
While a black man got into the white house…
He still can’t get a cab in New York.
Almost 100 years after the abolition of slavery,
A man couldn’t play a game of baseball in the Big leagues.
If his skin color was black.
You’re harping on one point.
那不讲黑人了 讲犹太人吧
Oh, good. okay, forget blacks. Take jews.
-什么 -又来了
– What? – Here we go.
For years they restricted the number of jews in schools, medical schools.
In America, as much as they hated blacks,
They hate jews even more.
Blacks they were scared had too big a penis.
犹太人的太小 他们也痛恨
Jews they hated, even with little penises.
天呢 我还在吃饭呢
For god’s sake, I’m eating here.
你 我可找到你了
You! I’ve been looking for you.
-我要找你呢 -你是谁
– I wanna talk to you. – Who are you?
Did you… did you pick up a chessboard full of pieces…
And hit my son with it at his lesson today?
That idiot’s your son?
拜托 别让我教那个白♥痴♥了
Do me a favor, don’t send that cretin to me anymore.
I can’t teach an empty-headed zombie chess.
I’ll have you know that he is a very bright child.
那是你的看法 你的看法…
In your opinion. In your opinion.
是有偏见的 因为他是你的产物
Which is skewed, because he’s your unfortunate issue.
So you threw a chessboard at him?
I didn’t throw it at him.
我只是拿起棋盘 把棋子倒他头上
I picked up the board and dumped the pieces on his head…
As an object lesson to shake him outta his vegetable torpor.
You wait until my husband gets back from florida.
-他在佛罗里达干什么 -他肯定会揍你
– What’s he doing in florida without you? – He will punch you in the nose.
Her husband’s in Fort lauderdale.
He’s probably hanging out with naked coeds on spring break.
He tells her it’s a business trip.
你儿子低能 教他挑圆片吧 别学下棋
Your son’s an imbecile. teach him tiddlywinks, not chess.
博里斯 你太牛了
You handled that beautifully, Boris.
You know, you should open the Boris Yellnikoff charm school.
我们走吧 太晚了 我太累了
Let’s get outta here. it’s late. I’m tired.
博里斯 晚安
Good night, Boris.
什么 你们干什么
What? what’re you doing?
你们去哪 这就完了?
Hey, where’re you going? that’s it?
-先生 -干嘛
– Sir? – Hey! what?
你在这干啥 天啊 你想吓死我
What… what the hell’re you doing? my God, you scared me. for god’s sake!
你这算伏击吗 小流浪汉 你想干嘛
You creep up on me like that, you little vagrant. What’d you want?
Can you help me get something to eat?
天哪 我现在没带钱
Oh, god, no, I don’t carry any money, now, come on,
告诉你的同伙 不管他藏在哪
You can tell that to your partner, wherever he’s hiding.
-求求你了 我实在是太饿了 -退后 退后
– Please, I’m so hungry! – Back up! Back up!
我一整天都没吃东西了 我快饿晕了
I haven’t had anything to eat all day, I think I’m gonna faint.
听着 小丫头 这种诡计我见多了
Yeah, listen, I’m wise to that scam, little girl, okay?
I know about professional beggar school.
拜托 求求你了
Please, I’m desperate.
天呢 你看起来脸色不对 你怎么了
God, stop that! you look terrible! What’s wrong with you?
Just… all right.
上来待2分钟吧 然后…
Come up for two minutes. that’s it. and then…
-然后就走 -谢谢你
– And then go. – Thank you!
2分钟 不许久留
Two minutes, okay? that’s it.
祝你生日快乐 祝你生日快乐
Happy birthday to you happy birthday to you
亲爱的博里斯 祝你生日快乐
Happy birthday, dear Boris happy birthday to you
祝你生日快乐 祝你生日快乐
Happy birthday to you happy birthday to you
亲爱的博里斯 祝你生日快乐
Happy birthday, dear Boris happy birthday to you
Is this your birthday?
You don’t know you have to sing happy birthday twice to get the germs off?
你说饿了 想吃点什么
You said you were starving. What do you like?
牡蛎 熏鲑 秋葵 螃蟹腿 黑眼…
I like oysters, blackened redfish, gumbo, crab legs, black-eyed…
你以为我谁啊 开克里奥耳饭店的吗?
Are you nuts? what do you think I’m running? a creole restaurant?
-一罐沙丁鱼怎么样 -好的 谢谢
– How about a can of sardines? – Oh, yes, please.
芥末酱 你叫什么名
Gumbo. So what’s your name?
梅迪 萧梅迪
Melody. Melody Celestine.
Melody Celestine.
Melody Saintanne Celestine.
法语名字 我妈是新奥尔良人
It’s french. My mama’s family was from New Orleans.
我密西西比人 您贵姓
I’m from Mississippi, Mr…
里奥 马里奥
Muggeridge. Lionel Muggeridge.
Mr. Muggeridge.
密西西比伊甸 您听过吗
Eden, Mississippi. You ever hear of it?
不 没有 就算本地人也不知道吧
No, I haven’t. not even the people who live there have heard of it.
So what are you running away from?

你能更具体点吗 梅勒妮
Could you be more specific, Melanie?
梅迪 梅勒妮是《飘》里面的人
Melody. Melanie was from gone with the wind.
对 不过我更喜欢演斯佳丽的那个
Oh, yeah. I preferred the one who played Scarlett.
为什么 梅勒妮很好啊 她嫁给了艾什力
Why? Melanie was the nice one. She marries Ashley.
