他说 “我不知道”
And he went, “I don’t know.”
我 去了葬礼 唱了歌♥…
I, er, was at the funeral, and I sang…
I’ve never sung at a funeral before, ever.
这可是MJ的葬礼 他们过来
So, this is Michael Jackson’s funeral, and they come in
对我说 “Mariah 你是第一个”
and go, “Mariah, you’re on first.”
I Never Dreamed You’d Leave In Summer 是我
I Never Dreamed You’d Leave In Summer was a song that myself
和Syreeta Wright –
and Syreeta Wright –
她是我的第一任妻子 Syreeta 我们一起写的
well, she was my first wife, Syreeta – wrote together.
当年我唱这首歌♥的时候 就在Michael…悼念仪式时演唱的时候
When I sang it, at Michael’s…homecoming service,
我从没想过 我会比Michael Jackson活得久
I never, ever imagined that I would be outliving Michael Jackson.
It’s very, very painful.
It’s still unbelievable to me that he’s actually dead
我们都应该感到惭愧 我们每一个人
and we should all be ashamed. Each of us to a one.
And I don’t know who to look at.
我想Michael会说 看镜中人吧
Michael said, I guess, look at the man in the mirror.
约翰列侬去世的时候 人们会去听Imagine
Just like when John Lennon died, people turned to Imagine,
Michael Jackson去世时 人们会去听Man in the mirror(镜中人)
when Michael Jackson died, people turned to Man In The Mirror.
之前的专辑里从来没有过 让人振奋起来的颂歌♥
It really doesn’t have that inspirational pop anthem on it,
像Greatest Love of All 或者Whitney Houston的Saving All My Love For You

like Greatest Love of All, Whitney Houston, Saving All My Love For You,
以前的专辑里从来没有过 有趣的是Bad却收录了一首
that kind of thing, and it’s interesting that Bad does.
We kept talking about how nice it would be to get an anthem
那感觉一定很棒 就像
that had a good feel to it, you know, just like
some sunshine on the world.
So he called a meeting with his West Coast songwriters,
我记得 当时我们有六个人
I think there were like, six of us.
他说 他想要首乐观向上的歌♥
He said he wanted something upbeat,
he said he wanted something that felt good…
Whitney Houston的第二张专辑 正在席卷排行榜
Whitney Houston’s second solo album was storming the charts
and I think she provided a little bit of heat,
我想 当时公♥司♥就在考虑
and I think that the label was concerned about how to kind of
怎么才能把被Whitney Houston吸引走的听众 吸引过来
appeal to this audience that had gravitated to Whitney Houston.
我去了Glen Ballard的家 他是我那时的创作伙伴
Went to Glen Ballard’s house, who was my writing partner at the time,
我说 这就是Quincy的要求
I said, “This is what Quincy wants”.
他说 好吧 让我们想想能做点什么
He said, “Well, let’s just see what we come up with”.
他站起来 走到键盘边
He stands up, goes over to the keyboard,
turns on the keyboard
and starts playing…
同时我翻着我的歌♥词本 …
So I’m flipping through my lyric book…
While he’s playing these…
Just getting sounds on the keyboard.
Cut to two years before this meeting.
我正和John Beasley一起创作 他是个爵士钢琴家
I’m writing with John Beasley, jazz pianist.
His phone rings,
他接起电♥话♥ 而不是让答录机接
and he picked the phone up instead of letting the machine pick it up.
嗯 什么事情啊 啊 没干啥啊
“Yeah, what’s happening? I’m not doing nothing.
我心里说 什么叫没干啥啊
And I’m thinking, “He’s doing something!”
我就开始乱翻 心里嘀咕
And I’m flipping through my book,
他竟然说什么都没干 才不是呢
no, he didn’t say he’s not doing nothing. No, he didn’t.
我一边翻一边听到他说 “什么人? ”
So I’m flipping through this book and I hear him say, “The man?”
“什么人? 哦 镜中人哦”
“What man? Oh, the man in the mirror.”
我就写下来Man in the mirror(镜中人)
I wrote, “man in the mirror”.
So two years later, I’m at Glen’s house and the phrase
“man in the mirror” just popped out at me
and I started writing these lyrics
that I couldn’t write them fast enough,
就嫌还写得不够快 15分钟后 我们就写完了
I couldn’t get it all out fast enough and in like, 15 minutes,
Man in the mirror的第一段和副歌♥
we had the first verse and the chorus for Man In The Mirror.
“I’m certain there will be a change
“and starting with that man in the mirror…”
The lyrics evolved into what they are,
but these are the humble beginnings.
Glen说 “你去把歌♥词写完”
Glen said, “You go finish the lyrics,
“我把曲子写完 周五我们出样带”
“and I’ll finish the track and we’ll demo the song on Friday”.
周五我们完成的时候 已经过了时间 很晚了
Friday night we finished it after the Quest publishing was closed.
So I called Quincy at home.
他说”我在开会 我不…”
He said, “I’m having a meeting, I can’t…
“你不要来 周一再带到办公室去吧”
“You can’t drop it off. Just take it to the office on Monday.”
我说 “我…”
I said, “I…
“I can’t wait till Monday.
“就让我…让我拿过去吧” “Sied…” “Quincy 就…”
“Let me just, let me just drop it… “Sied…” “Quincy, let me just…”
“好吧 夭寿”
“All right, shit.”
And I go to his house…
我迅速的塞给他一个卡带 我说
I give Quincy this really quickly, this cassette, I say just,
“All I ask is you just call me as soon as…”
他说 “好吧 要命”
He said, “All right, shit”.
两三个小时后 电♥话♥来了 Quincy在电♥话♥里说
Two, three hours later, I get a call and Quincy goes,
“Sied 这是我这十年来听到的”
“Sied, this is the best song that I’ve heard
“in ten years”.
– And I’m like…
The key…
was one step too high for Michael,
so Quincy wanted me to re-sing the demo in the new key.
So I come here and I’m singing the demo in the new key
and Michael…is filming me.
准备好了随时开始 Siedah小姐
Whenever you’re ready, Miss Siedah.
I got that image
cos I was walking down the street in New York, walking past
路过一幢被围起来的褐色建筑物 基本都已经塌了
this brownstone that had been torn down and it was fenced.
Just a lot with broken glass
and this tree…
that someone had carved their initials into this tree…
It was really a great song from inception,
but I think what Michael did is he took that song
and he made it his own.
在流行乐这个圈子里 有这么一种看法
In popular music, there’s often this idea that you are either
the songwriter of your own material
or you are the interpreter.
但Michael Jackson就是两者兼顾
The interesting thing about Michael Jackson is that he was both.
You may not even know what he’s talking about,
一只破碎的酒瓶盖 各种各样的画面
a broken bottle top, all kinds of images are floating,
but it’s the conviction and the fervour with which
he brings to the song that is really spectacular.
他说 Andrae 我有首歌♥
He said, “Andrae, I got a song.
听听这首歌♥ 你觉得合声应该放在哪里呢
“If you were listening to this and wondered where a choir should be…”
他说 我很想在歌♥曲里加入你的合声
He said, “I would love to have a choir and I’ve heard your music.”
Change 我说就这里 他说我也是这么想的
“Change,” I said, “Right there, you’re exactly right”.
And the choir sang…
Andrae Crouch的和音组非常出色
Andrae Crouch’s choir seriously threw it on the end
唱出了很多歌♥手的特色 居然包括Winans 太让我意外了
and it featured all kinds of singers, including, I didn’t realise the Winans were on there!
My brother Marvin asked him,
你想让我们怎么处理 怎么来表演
“Exactly what do, how do you want us to do it?”
他跟Quincy Jones耳语了一番
He was whispering into Quincy Jones’ ear
and Quincy would actually…
..relay the message to us
然后我兄弟Marvin问 “Michael 你不能说吗?”
and my brother Marvin said, “Well, Michael, can you talk?”
Michael一改那害羞劲 坐到了钢琴边
Mike broke out of the shell, sat down on the piano,
开始弹… 我都不知道Michael会弹钢琴
started playing the part… I didn’t even know Michael PLAYED piano.
这是我最喜欢的一段 就这段
OK, here’s my favourite link, right here.
That’s when I was hot, back in the day!
Man In The Mirror Quincy说必须上大♥师♥级的
Man In The Mirror, Quincy said give me the masterclass.
Those handclaps, that’s what you hear.
我们仨围着麦克风 现场实时直录
The three of us would surround the mic, we’d nail it in real-time.
Then, what we would do,
we would speed this machine up maybe 15%,
so the track’s going by really fast
但打拍子的节奏不变 再录入一次
and we’re still clapping the same thing, then when you play back at a regular speed,
这样用正常的速度放出来 有两组拍子的声音 一组是实时的
it’s fat, so we have two sets of claps – in real-time
and the fat claps underneath which are exactly in the same time.
That’s why if you listen to all those records we’ve done –
some of the best clap sounds you’ll ever hear.
