他刚帮我写了电影 “The Color of money”的剧本
who just wrote Colour of Money for me to do the script.
我想Michael Jackson和Martin Scorsese组合
I just thought, Michael Jackson and Marty Scorsese, that’s way too…
这太不可思议的 我怎么能错过呢
That’s way too bizarre for words, absolutely I will do it.
If it’s to be anything, it should be something very,
very different from what he’s done before, and that means
那就意味着强烈的戏剧冲突 很有风格 很有范
a dramatic piece, and something with a lot of style, a lot of grit to it.
I don’t remember exactly who said this, but he said Michael
说的是 Michael想拍一支录影带 来支持他的同胞们
wanted to make a video to show the brothers he’s down.
所以你会看到意大利的风格 犹太的风格
So he goes to the, you know, the Italian asthmatic, who goes
我们要把Michael塑造成 一个回到黑人社区的知识青年
to the Jewish asthmatic, and we’re going to make Michael a homie!
We gave him these three ideas.
Michael and I both loved the one called Pressure –
that was the working title of this one.
About peer pressure.
我刚刚读过我朋友Robert San Anson
I had just read this article that a friend of mine,
写的一篇关于Edmund Perry的文章
Robert Sam Anson, had written about Edmund Perry.
一小时内 警方公布了更多关于
Within the hour, police revealed more information about the death
of a young man from Harlem.
他曾以优异的成绩 毕业于新英格兰的私立高中
He had graduated with honours from an exclusive New England prep school.
Edmund Perry被警♥察♥射杀于 Morningside的车道
Edmund Perry was killed by a police bullet on Morningside Drive.
类似事情以前也有过 事实上是太多了
They had read stories like this before, too many of them.
黑人孩子 17岁 来自黑人社区 贫穷
Black kid, 17, from Harlem, poor,
和另一个黑人街头少年 试图抢劫一个白人
with another black youth, tries to rob a white man,
who turns out to be a plain-clothes cop.
Edmund Perry来自黑人社区
Edmund Perry was a kid from Harlem.
He and his brother, Jonah, had both gone to prep schools,
他们并没有因此进入特权阶级 却接触了特权阶级
said they were like, not privileged, but they were exposed to privilege.
And this was a kid that was very much kind of dealing with
what is becoming a more common kind of internal conflict
among black kids who were put in isolated environments…
你走前我只想告诉你 你做的很棒
I want to say before you go, you know, you did a real good job this term.
..and are asked in that passage
to let go of the culture that spawned him.
Yo, the black is back, my man…
So, I just ran off, and I wrote this thing, and I rate in like two days.
只有十页 Marty觉得很不错
You know, it’s only ten pages, and Marty thought it was great.
He did ask me,
他把我拉到一边问我 “真有人住这吗
he took me aside, and said, “Do people live here?”
我说是啊 这算不错的地方了
I said, “Oh, yeah, this is a good one,
“because we went to some others, and I was pretty…”
– 他害怕吗 – 我觉得有一点吧
– Was he scared? – A little bit, I think.
而对于他呢 我觉得 看到这样的情况 他非常震惊
For him, I thought, it was a shock to see that.
兄弟 你最好出去走走
Folks, I think we better go through a walk, man.
How did I get cast in this?
试镜啊 我们都要通过试镜
Audition, you know, we all had to audition.
Were there a lot of people?
很不少人参加 我不知道具体有多少
It was quite a few guys, I don’t know exactly how many.
Wesley走了进来 他完全没有… 怎么说呢 他…就是他了
Wesley came in, there was no… Yeah, there was no question.
And the guys I went in with,
他们走的都是那种 饶舌歌♥手之类的那种感觉 就是嘻哈的感觉
they all approached the characters kind of B-boy-ish.
说话都是老兄 呦啊 之类的
You know, characteristic of B-boys, with the, “Yo, man, yeah.” This type of thing.
我可不是这个风格的 所以我走了和他们完全相反的调子
And that’s not my particular style, so I went the opposite direction
of what they did, and I played it very, very subtle.
你上大学啦 什么专业啊 老兄
Yo, college? What’s your major, man?
只是高中 没专业
This is high school, there ain’t no majors.
Then what’s your minor?
Wesley Snipes在那支录影带里的表演
Wesley Snipes, his appearance in a video was probably one of
the most notable acting debuts,
他在一支音乐录影带中的表现 成就了他一次可圈可点的表演
(and the fact that he made his mark known in a music video,
看过的人都会记得 Welsey Snipes的那个瞬间
everyone remembered Wesley Snipes after that moment.
Are you bad?
Or is that what they teach you up in that little sissy school of yours?
How to forget who your friends are.
Let me tell you something, I don’t care what
我才不在乎他们教了你什么 你只能选一边站
they teach you up there, you either down, or you ain’t down.
Karen Langford 长♥期♥法律顾问 Michael Jackson资产文档保管人
they teach you up there, you either down, or you ain’t down.
有一次 我找到了一张纸
And one of the things that I found was this piece of paper,
which he wrote “Bad Film” on there.
And it’s titled, “Today’s Motto.”
“Let nothing be a take unless I’m extremely satisfied,
“unless I felt it in my soul.”
You want to see who’s bad?
你想知道谁是坏小子吗 来吧 我们说说清楚
You want to see who’s bad? Well, come on, come on, let’s do it.
看看到底谁是坏小子 来啊 我们走
Let’s see who’s bad, man. Come on. Come on! Let’s go.
As we’re putting the piece together, working on the choreography,
完成一半的时候被告知 舞蹈是有地点背景的
it’s towards the middle of it that they say, “We have a location,”
我们被带到了布鲁克林的 Hoyt-Schermerhorn地铁站
so they took us to Brooklyn, to the Hoyt-Schermerhorn subway station.
There is a place where the train is actually running under us.
There’s a midsection, that’s the place we went to.
我们第一次去的时候 同行的还有 Martin Scorsesee
The first time we walked in, we were with Martin Scorsese, Quincy Jones,
Quincy Jones和Michael 我们走进去
myself and Michael, and we’re walking through there,
Michael说 哇 这太棒了
and Michael goes, “Wow, this is great.
好真实哦 看那还有尿渍呢
“Yeah, it looks real. Look, there’s even some pee stains over there.
还真够恶心人的 太棒了
“Wow, it’s really nasty, yeah, that’s great.”
Well, even if we catch them with the last two steps.
那很好 很好 当然 因为他躲着呢
No, that’s OK. That’s OK. Oh, sure, because he’s hiding as well.
It’s ideal if we don’t see it.
然后我们回来 他藏在这里
And then we come back, and he’s hiding.
他又不动了 能这样最好
He’s frozen again, that would be great if we could do that.
– 这个动作有点像“出租车司机”里的造型 – 没错 我还挺爱这个造型的
– That move is in Taxi Driver. – Yeah, I like… Yeah, I like that.
再走一遍 同一条
Right, let’s go again, same thing. Same thing.
走 19K 第5场 开拍
Speak. 19, Kansas, take five. And action.
给我个硬币 跑 快跑
Give me a quarter. Run, move, go! Run!

有一出戏 他对一个老人说
I mean, there was a moment there with the old man,
when he said, “Gimme a quarter.”
给我个硬币 跑 快跑
Give me a quarter. Run! Go! Run!
出了个小意外 那个人的手臂受伤了
And the guy… Something happened, sort of hurt his arm a little bit.
– 没关系的 – 我们该怎么做
– No, no, it’s all right. It’s all right. – What can we do?
我们会照顾好他的 保证不会发生
We’re going to take care of it. I promise you it won’t happen.
没关系的 再来一遍好了 就应该那样的
No, please, do it in the same way, I mean, it has to be done in that way.
The only time Michael really became, I think, very,
very concerned was at that moment, where he begged me,
他请求我 不要再拍那条了
“Please don’t do another take on the guy.
我不想伤害任何人 一直在求我
“I didn’t want to hurt anybody.” I mean, really begged me.
我说 “没关系的 不要紧的 都很顺利呢”
I said, “No, no, no, it’s all right. Actually it’s all very good.”
“求你了” 事实上那条也可以过了
“Please, I beg you.” It was true, we did have it, so…
You know, I went with that.
That’s what I want to see. It’s going to be like this.
– 你不能碰我 – 不
– He can’t touch me though. – No. – He can’t touch me.
好了 再过一遍台词
OK, so just run through the lines this way.
你就想搞成这样吗 就这样吗
That’s the way it’s going down. Huh? That’s it?
你根本就不属于这里了 你不是街头坏小子了 永远不是了
Well, you ain’t down with us! You ain’t bad, you ain’t bad at all.
You know, Wesley’s talking to him, and Wesley’s got this fierce
kind of profile and everything like that, and it’s almost like
I felt scared from Michael, like he was going to get eaten.
我很高兴看到 Michael Jackson强悍的样子
I was so happy to see Michael Jackson being tough.
I was so happy to see him in what seemed like regular surroundings.
I think I was a little bit caught off guard, because it was
Michael那架势…明白不 Michael也可以那么厉害呢
like Michael talking, Michael sort of being very rough, a little bit.
我不知道他是不是想重申 他和黑人社区的联♥系♥
I don’t know if he was trying to reaffirm his connection with
或是别的什么原因 总之他成功了
the black community, or what he was trying to do, but it was successful.
一条过 完全按照他来走
It’s one shot. Whatever is best for him.
完全按照他的意思走 只有一次机会
Whatever is good to him at this point, it’s only one shot.
The thing is also, when he drops down into it.
And everybody starts surrounding him.
If we drop down in front of the three guys the opposite way,
the three guys will be in the way of the camera.
What I didn’t realise is that, you know,
