Wow. That’s lousy man.
It really is.
但是 兄弟
But hey man.
人人都知道 高中后
Everybody knows you don’t bring the girl
With you after high school.
和往常一样 加百利已先你一步了
Look Gabriella is already one step ahead. As usual.
现在该你振作了 兄弟
Right now you got to snap out of it dude.
She’s off to Stanford.
听着 我会陪你的
Hey and look I am right there with you.
Taylor’s heading to Yale.
And you and I are going to U of A.
It’s a whole new ball game.
也许篮球已不再是我生命的全部 兄弟
Maybe I don’t see my life as a ball game anymore man.
You’re gonna go to the prom with us
You’re gonna be with all your friends.
你会玩尽兴的 是吧
You’re gonna have a good time. All right?
Well I don’t plan on missing my prom.
There we go.
我就知道 你最后一个离开教学楼
I figured you’d be the last one out of the building.
I don’t believe this.
在去舞会的路上 我拐错道了
I took a wrong turn on the way to prom.
So did you.
你太疯狂了 小野猫
You are so crazy wildcat.
And what is it with you and trees?
我猜 站树上看得更清楚些
I guess I see things more clearly from up here.
Well you look handsome.
舞会今晚在阿尔伯特举♥行♥ 离这远着呢
Prom is tonight in Albuquerque. A thousand miles away.
我的舞会 与你相随
My prom is wherever you are.
If I’m gonna have a last dance at East High
It’s gonna be with you.
♪握我的手 领你开始跳舞♪
♪Take my hand I’ll take the lead♪
♪每次旋转 我都细心呵护♪
♪And every turn will be safe with me♪
♪不必害怕 害怕摔跤失足♪
♪Don’t be afraid afraid to fall♪
♪你的倩影 我会牢牢抱住♪
♪You know I’ll catch you through it all♪
♪-无法拆散我们 -即使海角天涯♪
♪-And you can’t keep us apart -Even a thousand miles♪
♪Can’t keep us apart♪
♪’Cause my heart is wherever you are♪
♪It’s like catching lightning♪
♪The chances of finding♪
♪someone like you♪
♪It’s one in a million♪
♪The chances of feeling♪
♪the way we do♪
♪And with every step together♪
♪We just keep on getting better♪
♪-能否共舞一曲 -能否共舞一曲♪
♪-So can I have this dance? -Can I have this dance?♪
♪Can I have this dance?♪
♪-能否共舞一曲 -共舞一曲♪
♪-Can I have this dance? -This dance♪
♪Can I have this dance?♪
You know…
你转学到东方高校后 不单我变了
I’m not the only one that changed when you came to East High.
曾和我擦肩而过的小子们… 我们变朋友了
Kids that I used to just pass in the hallway… we’re friends now.
And we’re supposed to be doing a show together.
问题是 东方高校曾因你到来而变
The problem is East High changed when you got there.
如今 也因你离去而变
And now it’s changed again because you left.
也许 你已准备好向东方高校挥手道别
You might be ready to say goodbye to East High
But East High’s not ready to say goodbye to you.
女士们先生们 节目快要开始了
Ladies and gentlemen this is the final call for curtain.
Find your seats.
老爸老妈 非洲之行如何 不 我是说印度
Hey mommy and daddy how was Africa? No I mean India.
好极了 那个啥 演出就要开始了
Oh fabulous. Ok well the show is starting soon.
Oh you’re in the lobby?
好的 回头见 我爱死你们送的玫瑰了
Ok. Toodles. And I love the roses!
你好吗 虽没和你正式见过面
Hey what’s up? We haven’t formally met
But I feel like I know you in sort of a vibe level.
I’m Jimmy “the rocket” Zara.
“火箭人”吉米 什么玩意
Jimmy “the rocket”? What are you?
Something like a Muppet gangster?
什么味儿 是你的古龙水还是毒气外泄
Oh. What is that? Is that your cologne or a toxic spill?
Oh yeah. It’s called “Babe Magnet.” bought it just for the show.
You like it?
Eww! That is so gross.
喂 让特洛伊来见我 得和他试唱一下
Hello! Send Troy in to see me. I need to run the song.
狄昂 特洛伊·博尔顿给我发了条短♥信♥
Yo! Dion. Troy Bolton just sent me a text.
Probably just checking in.
“开了整晚的车 争取赶上第二幕”
“Been driving all night. I’ll try to make it for the second act.”
-“祝好运” -“祝好运” 什么意思
-“Break a leg.” -“Break a leg”? What does that mean?
哥们 今晚演出”由你撑排场”
Dude that’s show biz for “you’re going on tonight.”
-代替特洛伊 -没错
-As Troy? -Yeah.
-在台上演出 -没错
-Onstage? -Yeah.
-不是吧 -击掌庆贺吧
-Oh no. -Get it!
好吧 通知夏培
All right notify Sharpay.
I will take care of Kelsi and the orchestra.
等下 达布斯老师
Hold up Miss D.
I think he stopped breathing.
给他来个海姆利克氏治疗法 好戏上场了
Well then give him the Heimlich! It’s show time!
-帮他理理 -来吧
-Go get him. -Come on.
-你好 伊万女士 -你好
-Hello Mrs. Evans. -Hello.
-请尽情欣赏 -谢谢
-Enjoy the show. -Thank you.
Reserved for Juilliard
-很棒吧 对了 座位在这儿 -谢谢
-So wonderful oh yes. Seats right here. -Thank you.
谢谢你们的到来 请尽情欣赏演出
Thank you for coming. Enjoy the show.
♪最后一次 把舞台分享♪
♪It’s our last chance to share the stage
♪毕业之后 将天各一方♪
♪Before we go our separate ways♪
♪高校生涯 不能永伴成长♪
♪High School wasn’t meant to last forever♪
♪最后一次 我们发热发光♪
♪It’s our last chance for us to shine♪
♪最后一次 音乐伴你身旁♪
♪To bring you music one more time♪
♪来吧 来吧 来吧♪
♪So come on come on come on♪
♪来吧 来吧 来吧♪
♪Come on come on come on♪
♪来吧 来吧 来吧♪
♪Come on come on come on♪
♪W I L D 野猫队 你最牛♪
♪W-I-L-D wildcats! You know you’re on♪
♪W I L D 野猫队 加油 加油♪
♪W-I-L-D wildcats! Come on come on♪
♪东高帅哥们 来点轰动吧♪
♪East High boys let’s make some noise♪
♪W-I-L-D 野猫队 拉风时间到啦♪
♪Oh yeah W-I-L-D wildcats! Now’s the time♪
♪最后一次 施展球技♪
♪This is the last time to get it right♪
♪最后一晚 闪耀舞台♪
♪This is the last chance to make it our night♪
♪我们使出 看家本领♪
♪We got to show what we’re all about♪
♪团队合作 所向披靡♪
♪Team work together♪
♪最后一场 赢取比分♪
♪This is the last chance to make our mark♪
♪篮坛史册 铭记我们♪
♪History will know who we are♪
♪巅峰之战 要打得完美♪
♪This is the last game so make it count♪
♪机不可失 时不再来…♪
♪It’s now or never…♪
晚上好伊万小姐 2分钟后就该你上场了
Good evening Miss Evans. Two minutes till places.
很好 让特洛伊来这好吗
Oh good. Can you tell Troy to come up here?
I want to rehearse the kissing.
难道没人通知你 特洛伊他…
Hasn’t anybody told you that Troy…
♪我全部都要 我都要 都要 都要♪
♪I want it all I want it want it want it♪
♪I gotta have my star on the door♪
♪我要全世界 什么都不能少♪
♪I want the world nothing less♪
♪所有名流雅士和报刊 只会给我最好评价♪
♪All the glam and the press only giving me the best reviews♪
♪我全部想要 我想要 想要 想要♪
♪I want it all want it all want it all want it all♪
He’s the choreographer.
♪转起来吧 美眉们♪
♪Kick it girls♪
♪我全部想要 我想要 想要 想要♪
♪I want it all want it all want it all♪
♪我全部想要 我想要♪
♪Want it all want it all♪
♪我全部想要 我想要♪
♪We want it all♪
谢谢你 我的乐队
