♪To find what you’re here for♪
♪Open another door♪
♪But I’m not sure anymore♪
♪It’s just so hard♪
♪Voices in my head♪
♪Tell me they know best♪
♪Got me on the edge♪
♪推啊 推啊 推啊♪
♪They’re pushing pushing they’re pushing♪
♪I know they’ve got a plan♪
♪But the ball’s in my hands♪
♪This time it’s man to man♪
♪我奔驰漂移 奋战到底♪
♪I’m driving fighting inside♪
♪A world that’s upside down♪
♪And spinning faster♪
♪What do I do now without you♪
♪I don’t know where to go♪
♪What’s the right team?♪
♪I want my own thing♪
♪如此强烈 放声呐喊♪
♪So bad I’m going to scream♪
♪I can’t choose♪
♪So confused♪
♪What’s it all mean?♪
♪I want my own dream♪
♪如此强烈 放声呐喊♪
♪So bad I’m going to scream♪
♪I’m kicking down the walls♪
♪I’ve gotta make them fall♪
♪Just break through them all♪
♪I’m punching crashing♪
♪I’m gonna fight to find myself♪
♪Me and no one else♪
♪哪边 谁告诉我♪
♪Which way I can’t tell♪
♪摸索 摸索♪
♪I’m searching searching♪
♪Can’t find the way that I should turn♪
♪向左走 还是向右走♪
♪I should turn right or left♪
♪没有你 无法选择 无法记得♪
♪It’s like nothing works without you♪
♪I don’t know where to go♪
♪What’s the right team?♪
♪I want my own thing♪
♪如此强烈 放声呐喊♪
♪So bad I’m gonna scream♪
♪I can’t choose♪
♪So confused♪
♪What’s it all mean?♪
♪I want my own dream♪
♪如此强烈 放声呐喊♪
♪So bad I’m gonna scream♪
♪光阴似箭 光阴似水♪
♪Yeah the clock’s running down♪
♪Hear the crowd getting loud♪
♪侧耳倾听 消损殆尽♪
♪I’m consumed by the sound♪
♪难道是她 难道是爱♪
♪Is it her is it love?♪
♪音乐之声 尽情唱响♪
♪Can the music ever be enough?♪
♪来吧 来吧♪
♪Gotta work it out♪
♪你能行 你能行♪
♪You can do it♪
♪I don’t know where to go♪
♪What’s the right team?♪
♪I want my own thing♪
♪如此强烈 放声呐喊♪
♪So bad I’m gonna scream♪
♪I can’t choose♪
♪So confused♪
♪What’s it all mean?♪
♪I want my own dream♪
♪如此强烈 放声呐喊♪
♪So bad I’m gonna scream♪
Miss D?
I know I’m not supposed to be here.
Aren’t you?
Well nor should I be at this hour I suppose
But I am trying to rebalance a show
我想来这找些灵感 确保演出万无一失
In which Sharpay now plays the role of Miss Montez.
And the reason for your visit is?
不知道 只是觉得这地方能让我…
I don’t know. I think I feel like this is a good place to…
-尖叫 感受自♥由♥ -或能沉思片刻吧
-Scream? feel free. -Or just to think.
The stage can be a wonderful partner
In the process of self-discovery.
舞台上 你很放得开
You seem comfortable up there.
I do?
Which is why I submitted an application
In your name to Juilliard.
It was you.
十年前 或许有许多选择已擦肩而过
Better to consider opportunities now
而今 好好把握 机遇可遇不可求
Than in ten years when life may limit your choices.
如果做过分了 我道歉
If I overstepped I apologize.
没有 我并没生气
No. no I’m not mad.
I’m just confused.
What a life in the theater has taught me is
To trust one’s instincts.
And that takes courage.
A quality you don’t seem to lack.
Last one out turns off the lights.
往前几步 跳进来
So walk walk walk. Jump in.
携手画个圈 再转出去
Around the world and spin out.
懂么 学会了吧
See? You got it.
-比起她 还是和你跳来的容易 -该我了
-You’re easier to dance with than she is. -Okay my turn.
好的 重头再来一遍
Ok. Here we go. From the top.
往前几步 跳进来 携手画个圈
Walk walk walk. Jump down. Around the world.
小心 小心
Heads up! Heads up!
好 大家休息5分钟好吧 休息5分钟
All right everyone. Let’s just take five all right? Take five.
你俩 把房♥子扶起来
You two. House up.
篮球少年 过来
Hoops man. Over here.
You look like you’re having the time of your life.
我把舞搞砸了 把所有歌♥也搞砸了
I’m messing up the dances. I’m messing up all the songs.
I’m sorry.
我们都有责任 原因大家都很清楚
It’s all of us. And all of us pretty much know why.
If it wasn’t for Gabriella
This musical would have been another “Sharpay Show.”
-会好的 -是的
-It’ll be fine. -Yeah.
-老妈 -好啊
-Hey mama! -Hi.
不知哪件好 加百利帮选了这件 所以…
Yeah I’d like to take credit but Gabriella picked it out. So…
你相中的胸花 我帮你订了
Oh I ordered that corsage that you showed me.
两者搭配 天衣无缝
It’s going to be perfect.
Oh thanks mom.
-你干得很棒 -谢谢
-Oh you did good. -Thank you.
Hey it’s Gabriella.
Hey! I just showed my mom the tux.
We need to talk.
现在我还无法做主 特洛伊
I can’t be a little adult right now Troy.
I’m hoping you understand that.
不 千万别这么说
No don’t even say that.
加伯利 毕业舞会只有两天了
Gabriella prom is in two days.
You’re supposed to be on a plane right now.
我花了两星期 才习惯没你的日子
It’s taking me two weeks to get used to being away from you.
-才习惯没有母校和大家的日子 -这我知道
-From East High and all my friends. -I know. I know.
那么我回校 参加个舞会 又转身离开
So what I come back go to prom and leave again?
出席个毕业典礼 再转身离开
And then it’s graduation and leave again?
-之前就这么说好的啊 -我做不到 特洛伊
-That was our plan. -I don’t think I can do it Troy.
I think I’ve run out of goodbyes.
Why do you keep saying goodbye?
我爱你 小野猫
I love you wildcat.
可我得呆这儿 对不起
But I need to stay right where I am. I’m sorry.
她不打算回来了 兄弟
She’s not coming back man.
-她错过舞会了 -不 她再也不回来了
-Is she going to miss prom? -No she’s not coming back at all.
太糟了 兄弟
